Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter 2019: Disproving Christianity

Easter. April 21, 2019           NOTES NOT EDITED
Disproving Christianity
1Cor. 15:12-19

SIS:  The resurrection is a verified historical event with eternal consequences.

According to one source, there are at least 4300 religions in the world!  There are many organizations that study these kinds of things, and I have confidence this number is at the very least, not too large.  There may be more, but there is certainly no less.

I very startling fact emerges when a person considers the study of Comparative Religion—which does exactly like the name suggests, compare and contrast these 4300 different religions.  All of these religions can be divided into only two groups—those which are completely dependent upon a single historical event in the life of the religion’s founder, and those that are not.  You might say that all religions can be divided into “subjective ideologies” and “objective theology.” 

Now, here’s something that is even more startling:  of the 4300 identified religions, 4,299 are in the subjective group, and only one is in the “objective” group.  Only Christianity is totally dependent upon one event in the life of its Founder, Jesus Christ.  That event is the resurrection of Jesus Christ which is what we celebrate every Sunday, and especially on what we call Easter Sunday.  Here’s what Paul says about the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Would you stand and read this together with me?  1Cor. 15:12-19 (NLT).

12 But tell me this—since we preach that Christ rose from the dead, why are some of you saying there will be no resurrection of the dead? 13 For if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised either. 14 And if Christ has not been raised, then all our preaching is useless, and your faith is useless. 15 And we apostles would all be lying about God—for we have said that God raised Christ from the grave. But that can’t be true if there is no resurrection of the dead. 16 And if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless and you are still guilty of your sins. 18 In that case, all who have died believing in Christ are lost! 19 And if our hope in Christ is only for this life, we are more to be pitied than anyone in the world.

That is a remarkable statement, perhaps the most remarkable statement in the entire N.T.  What Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, is saying is that the very truth or falsity of Christianity is dependent upon whether, at a point in time in history, Jesus died and then came back to life—the resurrection.  Paul concludes that if anyone could prove that this historical event did not happen, Christianity would be utterly false and useless, collapsing under the weight of historical evidence.

I’ve heard many criticisms of Christianity.  I’ve heard people criticize Christianity, for example, because Christianity teaches that homosexual behavior is wrong.  Society doesn’t like that idea.  I’ve heard people criticize Christianity because Christianity teaches that abortion is murder.  Society doesn’t like that idea either.  In fact, most of what Christianity teaches rubs the world the wrong way.  The bottom line is this:  the teaching of the Bible that calls people to live holy lives in full and sacrificial devotion to God, is offensive to man who wants to live his or her life according to personal desires not millennia old teachings of an Unseen God.

The bottom-line is not, however, does the teachings of the Bible offend me with Its call for righteous living.  The bottom-line in regard to Christianity is simply this:  is it true?  If it is not true, then a person would be a full to live within the constraints of an ancient book of myths.  Paul even agrees with this conclusion.  However, if Christianity is “true,” then the consequences of rejecting Its teachings is eternal—the difference between living in heaven or suffering in hell.

I’m not very concerned about how Christianity makes me “feel.”  Frankly, sometimes—oftentimes—what the Bible calls upon me to do makes me feel “bad,” not “good.”  I don’t particularly like “sacrifice,” and that is a major theme of the Bible.

What I am concerned with, as both a philosopher and a theologian, is:  is Christianity true or not?  This is something that can be easily proven, or disproven.  As we read earlier, if anyone can prove that the historical event of the resurrection did NOT happen, Christianity is proven false.  Whether the teachings are nice or naughty simply does not matter.  So, what would be the arguments one could make to show that the resurrection did NOT happen as an historical event?

Here is a fact that simply cannot be denied by any honest historian.  There is more evidence for the birth, life, death, and empty tomb of Jesus Christ than any other event in the ancient world.  There is more evidence in support of the accounts of the life of Jesus Christ in the gospels than there is that Julius Caesar ever ruled Rome.  No historian makes the claim against the historicity of Julius Caesar, and the evidence for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has hundreds of times more evidence—perhaps thousands of times more evidence than that of the life of Julius Caesar.

So, it is not possible to make the claim that the tomb of Jesus was not indeed “empty” on that Sunday morning following His crucifixion.  In order to disprove the resurrection, one must come up with an alternative explanation for that empty tomb.  In fact, that’s exactly what the Jews did when the Tomb Guards gave the Jewish leaders the news that the “body of Jesus was missing.” 

1.  The “Stolen Body” Theory  Matthew tells us,

Mat. 28  11 As the women were on their way, some of the guards went into the city and told the leading priests what had happened. 12 A meeting with the elders was called, and they decided to give the soldiers a large bribe. 13 They told the soldiers, “You must say, ‘Jesus’ disciples came during the night while we were sleeping, and they stole his body.’ 14 If the governor hears about it, we’ll stand up for you so you won’t get in trouble.” 15 So the guards accepted the bribe and said what they were told to say. Their story spread widely among the Jews, and they still tell it today.

Notice a very important piece of evidence that day.  The Jews hated Jesus.  They hated the movement He had started.  They thought they had taken care of the problem with the help of the Romans.  Yet, notice what these Jews did NOT do.  They did not dispute that the tomb was empty.  If the Jews wanted to crush the Christian movement before it got started all it would have required is:  the dead body of Jesus!  Simply take people to the tomb and show them the body.  But, the Jews could not do that because the body was missing.  The tomb was indeed empty.  So, they made up a story.

The story of the stolen body has persisted even though it is impossible.  If the Roman guards had been “sleeping,” how would they have known the disciples stole the body?  Second, the penalty for a Roman guard falling asleep on watch was very severe, even including the possibility of being put to death.  Third, how can someone sleep through the moving of a two-ton stone that had been rolled across the entrance of the cave?  Fourth, the tomb had the seal of the Roman Emperor.  To break that seal would have been a death sentence for anyone.  It is impossible that the body could have been stolen.  Disproving the resurrection requires a better explanation for the historical fact of the empty tomb.

2.  The Swoon Theory. 

Another attempt to explain the empty tomb without a resurrection is referred to as the “Swoon Theory.”  Briefly summarized this theory states that Jesus did not really die on the cross but only “swooned” or “fainted.”  This theory for the empty tomb is as equally unbelievable as the Stolen Body Theory.  The disciples only thought Jesus died but in fact buried Him alive.  You wonder how any sensible person could put forth such a ridiculous theory—and beyond that, any sensible, reasonable person would believe it.  But, many do believe in the Swoon Theory.  For this theory to work, a man—Jesus—would have to survive Roman crucifixion.  This, after being whipped nearly to death the night before, after being nailed to the cross and hung in the hot sun all day, and then being laid in a cold, damp tomb.  He would then, wake up, go to the entrance and push away the two ton stone and walk out.  Preposterous!  Nobody—and I mean, nobody—survived Roman execution.  Romans were good at torture and killing—some of the best in history.  Also, recall that the legs of Jesus were not broken, in order to hasten death, but it says this of Jesus:

John 19   31 It was the day of preparation, and the Jewish leaders didn’t want the bodies hanging there the next day, which was the Sabbath (and a very special Sabbath, because it was Passover week). So they asked Pilate to hasten their deaths by ordering that their legs be broken. Then their bodies could be taken down. 32 So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the two men crucified with Jesus. 33 But when they came to Jesus, they saw that he was already dead, so they didn’t break his legs. 34 One of the soldiers, however, pierced his side with a spear, and immediately blood and water flowed out. 
Jesus did not “swoon or faint.”  Jesus was dead as dead could be.

3.  The “Wrong Tomb” Theory

This explanation says that the women and the disciples all went to the “wrong tomb.”  Do you really believe that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, did not remember three days later where her beloved first-born son was buried?  Also, this was the borrowed tomb of a very wealthy leader of the Jews, Joseph of Arimathea.  It would likely have been in a very prominent, memorable place.  Plus, if this were really the case, why wouldn’t the Jews have squashed all talk of a resurrection by simply taking people to the “right tomb” and show the decaying body of Jesus Christ?  The Wrong Tomb Theory just does not adequately explain the Empty Tomb.

These are just three of several attempted explanations of how the tomb of Jesus came to be empty without a “resurrection.”  These and others,  all fail as have all attempts to “Disprove Christianity” for nearly 2000 years. 

One piece of evidence could be given that would have crushed Christianity before it started—that would have aborted Christianity before it every drew a single breath.  That one piece of evidence that the enemies of Jesus could have produced would have been the decaying body of Jesus Christ.  Such evidence has never been offered, and never will be offered.  The only evidence that stands the scientific and historical scrutiny of investigators is the one given by the angels to the women that first Easter (Mat. 28:5-6): 

Then the angel spoke to the women. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying.

Christianity, unlike all other religions, is absolutely dependent upon a single, historical event in the life of Jesus Christ—the resurrection.  Disprove the resurrection, as Paul said, and “our faith is useless!”

But, even with evil potentates and powerful kings, and God-hating scholars and skeptics, and philosophers with big words and small hearts, trying to disprove Christianity for nearly 2000 years, Christ is saving souls on every continent even to this day. 
The important point of the matter, as I said before, isn’t what we “feel” about the teachings of Christianity, or whether we think Christians are good models of the life of Jesus, but the only really important question for you today is this:  is Christianity true, and will you surrender to Jesus Christ as Lord and let him become your Savior?

Jesus emptied the tomb so that He could fill your life.  The Bible says (2Cor. 5:21),  21 He made the One who did not know sin to be sin  for us,  so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

I want to be very honest with you, the teachings of the Bible are hard, and they do not always bring warm, fuzzy feelings.  Many people—millions in fact—have died for their faith.  Even today, all around the world, Christians are being killed simply for being followers of Jesus Christ.

Becoming a Christian will cost you dearly in this life.  Christianity is a cross to bear.  But, Jesus emptied the tomb so that He could fill our lives with His righteousness and secure for us a place in His eternal kingdom.  Jesus died once for all of us, so we can live forever.

Death is called in the Bible, “our last enemy” (1Cor. 15:25).  Men have been looking for a way to “live forever” for as long as we have written records.  The Egyptians, for example, went through elaborate procedures to embalm, or mummify, their loved ones so that they could make save passage to the “After Life.”  Most common Egyptians were buried in the desert with such necessities as food, water, and other items to live well in the afterlife.  Rich or powerful Egyptians were buried in elaborate tombs with all kinds supplies beyond the basics, sometimes even including their favorite horse.

Modern man also seeks a pathway to eternal life through technology. Alchor Life Extension Institute in Scottsdale, Arizona, will freeze your body in liquid nitrogen at 320 degrees below zero, for somewhere around $120,000.  For $50,000 they will freeze your head only hoping to be able to build a new body in the future when you are thawed out.

What man has been seeking for millennia and has not found—and will not find on our own—Jesus has provided with an Empty Tomb.  That’s what Easter is all about:  an exchange.  Jesus took our sins upon Himself and in return God offers us eternal life.

Either Christianity is true and the promise of eternal life is true, or it is false.  All the weight of the evidence shows that the tomb was empty that first Easter because Jesus was resurrected, and through His resurrection has gained the power over death.

So, do you believe Christianity is true?  Or do you believe it is false.  What you believe, and what you do with that belief, has consequences—eternal consequences.  Don’t gamble with your eternal life.  Examine the evidence.  Only one explanation for that empty tomb has stood the test of time—“Jesus is alive!”

Many people don’t buy insurance.  I’m not talking about people who can’t afford insurance, but people who “gamble” on never having an accident or serious illness.  This reminds me of an insurance agent trying to sell insurance to a cowboy.  The agent asked, “Sir, have you had any accidents in your life?”  The cowboy replied, “Well, naw, I ain’t had no accidents.”  Then the cowboy continued, “Well, I was laid up once for a couple of weeks when a rattlesnake bit me.  And, one time my horse kicked me in the ribs and I was laid up for ‘bout two weeks.”  But, I ain’t had no accidents.  The agent replied, “Well what would call getting bit by a rattlesnake or kicked by a horse.  Aren’t those accidents?”  The cowboy smiled and said, “Why, heck no.  ‘Dem weren’t no accidents.  The snake and horse done ‘dat on purpose!”

Many people gamble in different ways with their lives.  Many people gamble with the idea that Christianity is at worst, a lie, and at best just a fairy tale.  Yet, the resurrection is a verified, historical fact.  It is the truth and that means everything Jesus taught was the truth, including the punishment for dying without accepting the free gift of eternal life He provided on the cross.

Christianity is either true, or it is false.  All the weight of the evidence for the resurrection proves beyond any reasonable doubt that Christianity is true.  Don’t gamble with where you will spend eternity.  Accept the free gift of salvation that Jesus paid for when He died on the cross.

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