Saturday, March 19, 2022

Kingdom Parables Pt 2: Wheat and Tares

 March 20, 2022                         NOTES NOT EDITED

The Kingdom Parables, Part 2
The Wheat and Tares

Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43


SIS – Jesus instituted (inaugurated) His Kingdom when He came the first time and we will experience a conflict with the kingdom of the world until He comes again.


When N.T. scholars talk about the Kingdom of God (or as Matthew describes it, the Kingdom of Heaven), they talk about it in two primary stages:  the inaugurated Kingdom, and the consummated Kingdom.  That is, the present activity of the Kingdom from Jesus birth to His ascension, and the final Kingdom at the Second Coming.  A term some scholars use is to describe this duality is:  now, but not yet.  File that away in your mind as we continue our study of the Kingdom Parables.


EXCURSUS: Each of these seven parables of the Kingdom must be understood in the context of the others.  They are a “package deal.”  Therefore it is helpful to recall the our lesson from last week in the Parable of the Sower.  In that parable, we have a general outline of the Kingdom’s Activity from the Departure of the King to His return for the church in the rapture.  The Sower is an “overview” of this period.  In the Parable of the Sower we had the Mission of the Church explained, the Challenges of the Church Outlined and the Promise of the Church declared.


This next section or three parables discusses in greater detail the “challenges” to the Kingdom.  You will notice that the next three parables are delivered by the Lord together in one discourse, and then the first of the three is explained.


The reason for this seems to be that these three parables have the same theme:  the operation of the Kingdom in a hostile environment.  The first of these parables, the Wheat and the Tares, will serve as a key to understanding all three.  Let’s read the first of these three together:


READ SCRIPTURE:  13:24-30; 37-43


There is no doubt more applications to this parable than I can outline in one message, but allow me to focus on the three main issues as regards the forward movement of the Kingdom in a hostile environment:


1.  We have a Great Enemy in this battle—

The Devil and His Legions (v39)


“the enemy who sowed them is the Devil”


This parable of the Wheat and Tares addresses the fundamental issue that is common to all major religions.  Theologians call it, “The Problem of Evil and Suffering.”  More simply stated this issue addresses the question, “Where does evil come from?”  The Problem of Evil and Suffering is THE fundamental issue in all religious investigation.  This parable addresses clearly where evil originates. It comes from the Devil.


The New York Times reported on a study about the diminishing belief in the devil among Americans. Two-thirds of Americans do not believe in the devil as a living entity in a random survey.  That means nearly 149 million Americans believe that Satan has no influence but that Satan is just a symbol of evil. 


The Bible has much to say about the Devil.  He first appears in the form of a serpent in the first story of the Bible.  He is called the 


We make a grave error when we ignore or underestimate this “enemy.”


EXCURSUS:  December 7, 1941 was a sunny Sunday morning on the Hawaian island of Oahu.  Because it was Sunday only a minimal contingent of soldiers was on duty at the time. Most offices on the base were closed and many servicemen were on leave for the weekend.  President Roosevelt would later refer to this day as a “Day that will live in infamy.”


Thousands of lives were lost on that day because of a surprise raid from the Japanese aircraft carriers in the Pacific.  The irony is, it should never have been a surprise.  New technology, including the new radar mounted on Opana Point, were in place, manned and functioning at the time of the attack. The incoming Japanese attack planes were detected by the radar and reported, but were mistaken for an incoming group of American planes due from the mainland that morning. While on practice maneuvers outside the harbor that morning, an American destroyer spotted a Japanese submarine attempting to sneak into the harbor. The submarine was fired upon, immediately reported — and ignored


Despite these and many other warnings, Pearl Harbor faced great loss that day.  The enemy was simply misidentified, and even ignored.  The result:  incredible devastation that could have been prevented.

The greatest error we can commit in life is a failure to recognize life is spiritual warfare. Sometimes we call this battle in life a bad day or blame it on people or circumstances, but many times the problems in our lives were “sown by the Devil while we were sleeping.”  By sleeping it means, “while we were not paying close attention.”


Notice what the text enlightens us about how we should respond to the devil’s design for disaster in our lives.

u We must be persnickety--he is deadly.


Normally, the word persnickety has a negative meaning relating to being overly obsessive about minor details.  This would be like a persnickety parent being overly cautious about every detail of a daughters first date.


Regarding the weeds of evil the Devil sows, one can never be too persnickety. Even a slight miscalculation in regard to the Devil can be extremely harmful, even deadly.


The weeds mentioned here is the “bearded darnel” (Lolium temulentum) The Pulpit Commentary gives this description:  it is a kind of rye grass, and the only species of the grass family the seeds of which are poisonous. The derivation of zawân [ζιζάνια] is from zân, ‘vomiting,’ the effect of eating darnel being to produce violent nausea, convulsions, and diarrhœa, which frequently ends in death”

v We must be perceptive—he is deceitful.  (v25).  


“While people were sleeping.”


First of all the weeds before the harvest stage are indistinguishable from the wheat.  The Devil greatest weapon is to use “religion” (false but not easily distinguished from true faith) to infiltrate both society and the church.  Without a disguise, most people would flee from him at first sight.  This is why the Devil, who is a dangerous, ravenous wolf dresses in sheep’s clothing (MT. 7:15).  The Bible says,


Mat 24   24 False messiahs  and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to lead astray,  if possible, even the elect. 25 Take note: I have told you in advance.

Second, The Devil’s deceitful domain is darkness, or being undercover, as in out of sight.  The Devil tries to draw people out of the Light and into dark places.  The Bible says in Jn. 3:19:

This is the judgment: The light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil.

Most crimes, like burglary for example, happen at night, while the world in general is sleeping.  The idea is that people are “unaware” of what is taking place.  The Devil is a master of “sleight of hand” and trickery.  He draws us to fulfill those things which come from the dark recesses of our sinful flesh.  


Throughout the New Testament, including several times from the Lord Himself, we are warned to “watch and pray” because as Paul says, “The Devil lurks like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour” (IPet. 5:8).  We can never let our guard down because the Devil is devious and deceitful and will exploit a casual attitude toward him.  C.S. Lewis once said,


“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve their existence. The other is to believe and feel an unhealthy interest in them. They themselves [the Devil and his legions] are equally pleased by both errors.”


Our text gives us a clear and useful warning:  we have an enemy that seeks our destruction, that is the Devil.  So damaging is this weed to a wheat crop that the Romans had a law making it a crime to plant this weed in another man’s field.

We must be ever watchful for the Devil sowing seeds of destruction in our lives.  We must “watch and pray” constantly.  As soon as we fall asleep spiritually, the devil will sneak into our lives and sow seeds of destruction.  We must be perceptive because he is deceptive.

wWe must be proactive (shine), v43—He is distraction (v30)


And interesting description is given by Jesus in regard to the “sons and daughters of the Kingdom.”  In verse 43 it says,


43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in their Father’s kingdom.   


In contrast to the Devil and his demons who are “sons of darkness,” the children of God are described as “children of light.”  We are to “shine” amidst the dark backdrop of a sin-sick world.  This reminds me of what Jesus said earlier in Matthew:


“let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify God in heaven” (Mat. 5:16).


Jesus warned us not to waste our time with the tedious (near impossible task) of pulling up the evil weeds.  We must spend our time sowing more good seed—being proactive.  This does not mean we “never” fight against the evils of our world and society – fight we must.  This is what Jesus means by this parable:


Fight as you must, but do not let fighting evil distract you from sowing the gospel.  This is important.  Let me say it again:  fight evil as you must but do not let fighting evil distract you from the main goal of sowing the good seed of the gospel.


A church can get so embroiled in political battles and other good fights that they fail to focus on the main calling of the church:  “sow the good seed of the gospel.”


One of my college evangelism professors said:  “A person cannot fish and fight at the same time.”  Abortion, gay marriage, gambling, pornography, homelessness, and a host of other evils must be fought by the church – BUT NEVER AT THE EXPENSEOF PREACHING THE GOSPEL!

We must always be “proactive” because the Devil will try to distract us.  He will attempt to sow so many battle seeds that we will spend all our time and resources fighting and spend very little time fishing.  


x We must be patient—he is defeated.  Look at verse 28b-30:


“ ‘So, do you want us to go and gather them up?’ the slaves asked him.  29 “ ‘No,’ he said. ‘When you gather up the weeds, you might also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At harvest time I’ll tell the reapers: Gather the weeds first and tie them in bundles to burn them, but store the wheat in my barn.’ ”


It is discouraging to look out over the garden of our lives, or our church,

and see so many weeds.  In fact, many times in peoples’ lives it looks 

like their lives are “all weeds and no wheat.”  So often circumstances in

our lives discourage us because it looks like the enemy is winning.  Don’t despair, the devil is a deceitful, devious, distracting enemy, but he is also a “defeated” enemy. 


I’ll say more about the “end game in regard to the devil” in a minute but listen to these encouraging words of Paul regarding the Devil:


“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory 

through our Lord Jesus Christ”  (1Cor. 15:57).


By the time you can distinguish the darnel or weeds from the wheat, the roots of the darnel is already entwined with the wheat and to get rid of the weed would harm the wheat.  The farmer had to be patient and separate the darnel after the harvest.


This parable, like the next two in the section teach us that we, the Church, must fulfill our mission in a hostile environment. Even in a church as small as ours, not everything that looks like “wheat” is “wheat.”  The devil always sows some “weeds,” in every life and in every church, and throughout the Kingdom of God.


This parable explains to us exactly how we are to respond to the seeds of difficulty and destruction the Devil sows into our lives as individuals and as a church:  we are to be perceptive, proactive, and patient.  


Now, not only does this parable show us that we have an “enemy” as we try to expand God’s Kingdom, more importantly the parable teaches us 


2.  We have a Great Ally in this battle—the Lord and His Angels


37 The One who sows the good seed is the Son of Man; 


We, the Church, must fulfill our mission in a hostile environment.  But, we are not fighting this battle alone.  Jesus may be seated in the heavenlies, but He is still very much involved in the work of the Church, through the Holy Spirit.  Remember what Jesus said in John:


It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send Him to you.


What greater ally could the church have than God, Himself!  We cannot lose—we will not lose this battle for the Kingdom.  Make no mistake, Kingdom building is a battle.  We have an arch enemy.  The Devil hates Jesus and he hates you as His disciple.  But, this parable gives us the “final score” before we even start the game.  The Devil’s days are numbered.  Notice what the text says about the activity of Jesus as Our Ally in this global war.  Our text tells us first of all:

u His justice will be SURE (v41, “will send”).  Notice the matter of fact expression of the Master in verse 41:


41 The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather

from His kingdom everything that causes sin and those guilty 

of lawlessness.


Many people (most people) scoff at the idea of a “Last Days Judgment” in which Jesus Christ will finally and absolutely conquer evil.  The common argument goes:  “Preachers have been preaching the final judgment for over 2000 years, and we haven’t seen it yet.”


Let me ask you a question in this regard:  if an event is going to happen and it hasn’t happened for 2000 years, is that event closer or further away?  The fact is clear:  at no time in history has all the “end times” predictions lined up as they do today.


Russia plays a prominent role in Biblical prophecy, as does China.  I ask you you, what nation today dominates the news—it is Russia in war mode.


Make no mistake about it:  the coming justice of God will be SURE.

v His justice will be SCRUPULOUS (v41b).  

By “scrupulous” I mean:  diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details.  Verse 41 spells out clearly the thoroughness of the coming judgment:


and they [the harvesting angels] will gather from His kingdom everything that causes sin and those guilty of lawlessness.

The word, everything” is key.  Not one sin or injustice will go unpunished in that day.  


EXCURSUS: As we have said, it is nearly impossible to spot the difference between the darnel weed and wheat in the early stages. It had to remain until after harvest.  Then, because darnel is slightly poisonous and causes nausea, it has to be “scrupulously and meticulously” separated by hand.  In like fashion, God’s judgment will be scrupulous and meticulous.


The harvest time when the wheat and a weeds will be separated will be SURE and it will be SCRUPULOUS.  This judgment will also be

w SEVERE. (v42).  Look again at verse 42:


42 They will throw them into the blazing furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


Many preachers are uncomfortable telling people about the “hell” that awaits any and every person that does not surrender to Jesus Christ as the Lord before judgment day – either in death or in the Second Coming, whichever comes first for you.


But, what good is a doctor who will not give you an uncomfortable diagnosis of your disease, but allows your disease to progress until it is both too obvious to miss, and too late to treat?  I say, such a doctor is not healer, but a heel.  He is no helper, but a spineless scoundrel.


The penalty for rejecting Jesus Christ in this life is SEVERE, even if it is not immediate, for both for the rebellious Christian, but much more for the rejecting non-believer. For non-believers, the punishment for sin is eternal in length and unimaginable in intensity.  But, you can escape this judgment.  The Devil is a Formidable Enemy, but the Lord is a Fabulous Ally.  


Here’s the conclusion to this parable.  This parable and the next two describe for us how the Kingdom of God operates in this world from when Jesus departed, until He comes again for His church, and finally when He comes in Judgment.  In our world there is both good and evil – wheat and weeds.  There is both an Enemy against our soul, and an Ally for our soul.  We must learn to live in a world full of evil.


We, as both individuals and the church, must operate in a hostile environment in which the Devil seeks to bring death and destruction.  We must focus on planting gospel seeds, all the while dealing with what can often be “unimaginable evil.”



Sunday, March 13, 2022

Kingdom Parables Pt 1:The Sower


March 13, 2022                                          NOTES NOT EDITED

The Kingdom Parables, Part 1
The Sower
Matthew 13:1-9; 18-23

SIS – The mission of the church is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ far and wide with the expectation of a great harvest.

I want to thank Brother Rob for helping us understand the similarities and differences between a biblical parable and other literary methods of expression like allegory and fable. I just want to reenforce what Brother Rob has said and put up a caution sign as we roll down the road of these Kingdom Parables, keeping in mind the basic understanding that a parable is an “earthly story with a heavenly meaning.” 

EXCURSIS:  The danger in interpreting the parables of Jesus is to “put more into them than the Lord intended.”  This was a major flaw in the biblical scholarship of the first three centuries.  Augustine and the Parable of the Good Samaritan is one such example.  In part Augustine gave this interpretation: (Questions on the Gospels (2.19).  The italicized words are the Bible text. The bold text is Augustine’s allegorical interpretation.

“A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho; Adam himself is meant; Jerusalem is the heavenly city of peace, from whose blessedness Adam fell; Jericho means the moon, and signifies our mortality, because it is born, waxes, wanes, and dies. Thieves are the devil and his angels. Who stripped him, namely; of his immortality; and beat him, by persuading him to sinand left him half-dead, because in so far as man can understand and know God, he lives, but in so far as he is wasted and oppressed by sin, he is dead; he is therefore called half-dead.” 

Here is a good place to lay down a solid ground rule for interpreting Scripture in general, especially figurative or poetic portions.  Here is the principle:  a text has only one proper interpretation but could have multiple applications.  A corollary, or associative principle to this would be:  in order for an application to be valid it must arise from a the proper interpretation which would agree with all other Scriptures.

For example, take the verse by Paul that says, “For all things are lawful unto me but not everything is beneficial” (1Cor. 6:12).  The first phrase, “all things are lawful,” is considered a “Corinthian Slogan” arising out of a misunderstanding of grace versus the Law.  Paul turns that slogan on it’s head to focus on what is “beneficial” or godly.  The focus is not on the first clause but on the second. Many have used this verse to justify “smoking, drinking, watching improper R-rated movies, or even viewing pornography, among many other questionable behaviors.”  This is a wholly wrong application of this verse because it arises out of an improper understanding.

Now, even with these interpretive caution sign erected with blinking lights, we can move through these Kingdom Parables to interpret them and extract from them principles for fulfilling our mission as a church, and as individual believers.  it needs to be said that often there are many “applications” one can draw from any text, but the applications to life must arise “from” the “text in context.”  

In each parable we will look for the “main idea” and work from there.

Reading of the text:  Matthew 13:1-9

As we read through this “introductory Kingdom Parable” two elements show up that run through the whole of the parables.  First, they have a prophetic overtone. That is, they have eternity as a backdrop. You see this prophetic movement from chapter 11.  Chapter 11 shows the “unresponsive nation” (v 16).  Chapter 12 highlights the growing hostility between the kingdoms of this world living and the kingdom of God. (See 12:14). These chapters set up how the Kingdom will operate in the Lord’s absence.  His authority through the Church,  tying up the strong man” (12:29) foreshadows the victory of Jesus upon the cross.  This inaugurates the Kingdom that is now at work.  Evil is not “unbridled,” but it must be battled. These texts also anticipate the “final victory” upon Christ’s return.

The second theme running through the Kingdom Parables is that the present kingdom is a “hybrid.” Each Kingdom Parable has some measure of a “mixture of true and false members.” The Kingdom will not be “pure” until sin is finally vanguished after the Milennium. We see this with the different soils in today’s parable, as well as the Wheat and Tares in another parable.

EXCURSIS:  The grouping of the parables seems to be intentional.  Scholars differ on how they should be grouped. The grouping affects the interpretation to some degree.  I see these grouped as 1, 3, 2, 1.  The first parable is introductory and the last has a concluding note to it. The first is an overview of the Church Mission.  Next three . . . operation. Next two . . . the glorious nature.  Last . . . Final Judgment. 

Now, let’s get into the Introductory Parable:  The Sower.  It outlines the mission of the church from the departure of the Lord until His return.   

1.  The Beginning: The Mission Explained

2.  The Middle:  The Challenges Outlined

3.  The End: The Harvest Promised

1.  The Beginning: The Mission Explained (v3)

v1:  “He went out of the house”

v2:  Pushing out onto the sea (lake) probably provided great acoustics to amplify the voice of Jesus to the crowds on the sloping hill.

v3  Hallmarks of a parable: they are real life stories.  An important aspect of the parable is missed by most translations, definite article,


n  “THE SEED” (ton logon) seed represents the Word of God (Mk 4:14 specifically)

Application:  not have many “missions,” but only one mission

SCRIPTURE:  "Preach the Word!" (2 Timothy 4:2) 

ILLUS:  Charles Swindoll comments, “News articles may inform us. Novels may inspire us. Poetry may enrapture us. But only the living, active Word of God can transform us.” [Charles Swindoll, p. 73]

EXCURSIS:  A dramatic example of the Bible’s divine ability to transform men and women involved the famous Mutiny on the “Bounty.” Following their rebellion against the notorious Captain Bligh, nine mutineers, along with the Tahatian men and women who accompanied them, found their way to Pitcairn Island, a tiny dot in the South Pacific only two miles long and a mile wide. Ten years later, drink and fighting had left only one man alive—John Adams. Eleven women and 23 children made up the rest of the Island’s population.

So far this is the familiar story made famous in the book and motion picture. But the rest of the story is even more remarkable. About this time, Adams came across the “Bounty’s” Bible in the bottom of an old chest. He began to read it, and the divine power of God’s Word reached into the heart of that hardened murderer on a tiny volcanic speck in the vast Pacific Ocean—and changed his life forever. The peace and love that Adams found in the Bible entirely replaced the old life of quarreling, brawling, and liquor. He began to teach the children from the Bible until every person on the island had experienced the same amazing change that he had found. Today, with a population of slightly less than 100, nearly every person on Pitcairn Island is a Christian.

There are many agencies that have a mission of feeding the hungry.  There are many agencies that have a mission of clothing the naked.

There are many agencies that have a mission of visiting But, it is the church to which the King left the solemn mission

2.  The Middle—The Challenges Outlined (4-7)

Don’t expect “sowing the seed” to be an easy task in our world.

1.  The First Problem:  Hard (Hostile Hearts)” (v 4)

Matthew 13:4 (CSB)  As he sowed, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured them.

Each soil represents a response to the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

BACKGROUND:  Paths through grain fields. Birds eating seed are called the “Evil One” in verse 19.  Birds are often associated with evil in the Bible, and in other literature as well.  Clearly hear the birds are evil as Jesus states it plainly.

We were established as a Christian nation less than three short centuries ago. We are not even remotely like a Christian nation anymore.  The “Birds of the Evil One” are everywhere ready to snatch the gospel from the hearts of men, women, and children before it can take root.  The amount of attacks on Christianity has increased more and more as each year passes. Christianity used to be the default position of our collective mindset as a nation.  Not anymore.

George Washington:  “It is impossible to rightly govern a people
without God and the Bible.”
Yet, the Supreme Court ruled in 1963 that Bible which was read devotedly at the start of each school day was kicked out in by the Supreme Court in Engel v. Vitale.

Jefferson Memorial in Washington that reads in part:

"God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever.

If the heavy-handed mandates of Governors and non-elected officials during Covid showed us anything, it showed us that these career politicians believe our rights come “from the government” and not as a “gift from God.” With the threat of arrests from police, jail time, and heavy fines, the government shut down our churches (or, in our case tried to shut us down) and told us we could not sing praises to God.  Yet, hypocritically, abortion clinics and liguor stores stayed ope while protesters were shouting death to America. 

The soil of our culture into which we, the Church, must sow the seed of the gospel is often very hard and hostile to the gospel.

2.  Our second challenge:  Shallow Hearts (v 5)

Matthew 13:5 (CSB)  5 Other seed fell on rocky ground where it didn’t have much soil, and it grew up quickly since the soil wasn’t deep.

BACKGROUND:  Thin limestone beneath a mossy covering.

What’s killing the church today?  Not just the hostility of our culture but the “apathy” of our culture, ESPECIALLY our churches.  This includes the culture of many churches where religion is a thin veneer masquerading as real faith.

Two contributing factors to this “shallowness”. 1.  A Casual Attitude toward sin. If it is talked about at all, it is relegated to some need that a good “self-help guru” help us fulfill, or some “simple mistake” that we can absolve with a dose of religion.  2.  The Compartmentalizing of our Christian Lives. We live two lives.  One in the church and one in the world which has led to “too much world in the church and not enough church in the world.”  We hang up our “faith” on a hook as we walk out of the sanctuary and don’t pick it up again until we come back.

I read somewhere this week in regard to “stony ground hearers” that it is much easier to begin a thing than to finish.  The writer went on to say, “a famous evangelist pointed out that it takes about a 5% effort to win a man to Christ, and a 95% effort to keep him in Christ and growing into a maturity in the church.”

So many Christians I’ve met in church over the years have been like 4th of July fireworks – a lot of pop and fizzle followed by dead silence.

Many people even in this small gathering go home from church on Sunday and do not pick up their Bible to read it until they go to church the next Sunday? 

For some . . . faith is like trying to water ski in a mud puddle.  This will barely get them wet, let alone get them into heaven. 

Are these people “saved?”  I cannot say for sure because it is not the main issue in this parable.  I can say this:  if it walks like a duck . . .

If your church experience leaves you looking more like a wilted piece of lettuce than a vine full of fruit, . . . . reevaluate whether you really heard the truth and really responded.

3.  The third challenge:  Thorny Hearts (v7)

Matthew 13:7 (CSB)  7 Other seed fell among thorns, and the thorns came up and choked it.

The question often arises, as I mentioned earlier:  “Are these church people who have a choked-out life but are real Christians?” No.  None of the first three “soils” or “hearts” result in True Christianity.  This is the consensus of all the scholars I’ve read.  Again, I cannot say with any certainty who is saved and who is not.  The proof of a true Christian is not simply a “profession” of faith but a “passionate practice” of faith.  A profession of faith without works that support it is called, “dead faith” by James (Jam. 2:26).

A “Thorny Heart” is a defeated, Devil-ravaged, worldly existence pursuing the shiny trinkets and cheap treasures of the world.  These are folks that truly recognize the value of what the gospel offers, but just love what the world offers . . . more!  These are people who constantly water the weeds of life and wonder why there are never any flowers in their garden. The cares of the world do not refer to those common troubles and distractions in life common to all men.  The cares here refer to the “enticing pleasures of life,” or the pursuit of “good things” rather than “good character.”

***** According to the results of the study, Americans are so busy and on-the-go, they only have four hours and 26 minutes of free time a week, with four in ten Americans saying they actually have less.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of H&R Block, also revealed that 59 percent of Americans say keeping their life organized with everything they have going on right now is a big struggle. Even though the average American is currently putting off 14 things, over one in five Americans (21 percent) say they are actually putting off 20 or more tasks (copied). *****

Many, many people are letting the busy-ness of life, choke out any meaningful participation in the business of the Kingdom.  And, that includes perhaps more than anyothers, the pastors of Am. Churches.

Here’s the whole point about the “different soils.”  Look back at vs 9:

“Anyone who has ears should listen.” 

Am. Christians just aren’t listening! This is an imperative of command “You better listen!”  It is not enough just to “have seed scattered into our lives, but we need to let it take deep root and bear the fruit of our devotion to God.

Our one mission is to “sow the seed of the gospel” . . . period!  This mission will be met with many and varied challenges because of the many and varied hearts of those exposed to the gospel message

Yet, our mission will be fruitful because in THE END we see

3.  The Harvest Promised—Open Hearts (V 8)

This is the primary lesson of this parable.  The mission of the church is to spread the gospel far and wide with the expectation that at least some will fall on the fertile ground of the hearts of God’s elect and bring forth a harvest of “thirty, sixty, or a hundred-fold!”

God’s Kindgom WILL COME, on earth as it IS IN HEAVEN.  The King is absent now, but His authority rests with the church. 

God has promised us that if we sow the seed of His Word faithfully, our reward will manifested in a great harvest of souls—not all will heed the message, but the few will bring a great harvest.

(Is 55:10)  
10 For just as rain and snow fall from heaven and do not return there without saturating the earth and making it germinate and sprout, and providing seed to sow and food to eat, 11 so my word that comes from my mouth will not return to me empty, but it will accomplish what I please and will prosper in what I send it to do.”

God’s Promise.  Our work today brings joy tomorrow:  Rev. 7:9

After this I looked, and there was a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language, which no one could number, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were robed in white with palm branches in their hands.

Our part in the Mission is to  sow the seed far and wide (broadcast sowing.” It is God’s part to “guarantee a great harvest.”

My question for us today is two-fold: 

1)  Are we listening but not really “hearing” God’s Word? 

2)  Are we, as a church, actively sowing the Word of God into our community with the expectation of a great harvest?

We must open our ears to God’s Word or we will face sure and terrible judgment just like the parable warns:  eaten by birds, withered by the sun, or choked by the thorns.

Let’s determine to be “good seed falling upon good soil.”  Let’s BE more for the Kingdom of God; GO more for the Kingdom of God; and GIVE more for the Kingdom of God!