Sunday, April 24, 2016

Satisfaction Guaranteed!

April 24, 2016 (rv2010)
Satisfaction Guaranteed!                NOTES NOT EDITED
Psalm 63

SIS—True satisfaction comes from a personal, passionate, productive relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

America is a nation consumed by consumption, yet one of the top Rock ‘n Roll hits of all time (#2 on Top 500 Greatest Hits) is the Rolling Stones’ blockbuster, “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction.”  Just goes to show you that even bumbling rock ‘n rollers can stumble upon truth just as a blind squirrel sometimes finds a nut.

We buy, buy, buy but are never satisfied.  And why should we be satisfied? From a very early age Americans are conditioned to “never be satisfied.”  Before a child reaches the first grade he or she will have soaked up 30,000 advertisements.  The time that our children spend absorbing advertisements is more than their total stay in high school.  And what is the major premise of advertising: we have something you need that you don’t have! Consider
that a billion TV ads run daily; a trillion radio ads a billion billboard ads; fifty thousand magazines filled with ads; lunch boxes for children wrapped in ads; ads while we are on hold while using the telephone; and even ads on the videos we rent!  And what is the single purpose for all these advertisements?  According to a popular cliche in the advertising business: “an ad’s job is to make [people] unhappy with what they have!”

The advertising industry is extremely successful at making us dissatisfied with life.   The industry pays some of the highest salaries in the world.  It attracts persons from the highest strata of IQ’s.  It buys the most popular movie stars or sports heroes.  It then bombards us with billions of visual and audio assaults.  The result of “combining so much brain power, social status, sophisticated electronic graphics, and penetrating psychological techniques” for the sole purpose of making people dissatisfied with what they have is the creation of a cult of consumerism.

We are a people perpetually prompted to engage in a quest for greener pastures.  Our houses and driveways are filled with “stuff,” but we still feel empty.  We are asking, “Why?” The answer is simple-- the only way to experience real joy and satisfaction in life is to have a personal, passionate relationship with God.   A person that has a personal, passionate relationship with God has found something “more satisfying than life.”  

Persons caught up in the “cult of consumerism” suffer from“Curse of Sisyphus.”   Sisyphus was a crafty king in Greek mythology that accused Zeus, the master of the gods, of wrong-doing.  Zeus condemned Sisyphus to Tartarus (Hell).  Sisyphus’ eternal punishment was to roll a huge boulder up a hill.  The boulder always rolled back down again.  

Our text this morning in Psalm 63, shows us
how to break lose from the grip of materialism
and find “something more satisfying than life.”

There are three significant steps to finding
“something better than life.”
We read about the process earlier from
Psalm 63.   Finding something better than life requires that we seek God earnestly, praise Him passionately, Remember Him frequently, and trust Him tenaciously.   Let’s begin by reading this Psalm to Now, examine that process more closely.

1.  Seek God Earnestly ( 1 )

God will never take second place.
Many people find themselves utterly up-ended by the difficulties of life.  In a desperate attempt to avoid disaster, they return to church.  They call out to God–and nothing happens!  God does not seem to hear their call.  Why?

God is not a “genie.”  The Bible is not some
magic lantern that we can rub and get three free wishes.  When you pray to God he hears your heart, as well as, your tongue.  If you do not want a relationship with the God of Miracles, don’t expect any miracles from God.  The Bible says in the Book of James   (James 1:7)  

[a double-minded] man should not think
he will receive anything from the Lord;

Be careful how you read verse one of this Psalm.  
It does NOT say, “O God, you are my genie!” It does say,
1 earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body
longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

The word “earnestly means” “to seek diligently from early morning.”   The word in Hebrew is related to the word for “dawn.”   It teaches us that God should be the first thing on our minds in the morning, the last thing on our minds at night, and the central focus of our thinking throughout the day.

2.  Praise God Passionately (2-5)

{2}I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. {3} Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. {4} I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. {5} My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

We must not only “seek God earnestly,” but
but we must “praise Him passionately.”  

Businesses die without passion.  Marriages die without passion.  Churches die without passion.  Christians die without passion.  If we are not continually stoking the fires of devotion through passionate praise of God–it won’t be long before we become a smouldering coal on a dying fire of institutional religion. Worship will become a bore and church will become a chore.

To find true fulfillment in life you must learn to praise God passionately.  You must begin by learning to praise God passionately in the church.  If you want to “see God’s power and behold His glory” you must open your heart completely to Him.  Notice vs 4:

I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands.

The lifting of hands in worship is symbolic of opening up ourselves to God to receive anything and everything He wants to give us.  Lifting up holy hands is symbolic of surrendering ourselves totally to God: body, soul, and spirit.  It is very doubtful that a person who does not regularly open his or her heart to God at Sunday morning worship, will be very effective in as a Christian in the world Monday through Saturday.  

If you want your “soul to be satisfied as with the
richest of foods” you must praise God passionately.

3.  Remember God Frequently throughout the day (6-8)

6 On my bed I remember [think of, HCSB] you; I think [meditate on] of you through the watches of the night. 7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.   8 My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.

The implication in this verse is that a thought of God lingered upon the Psalmist’s consciousness like fog hangs upon a London landscape in winter.  Even when time comes to sleep, the Psalmist’s last thought is of God.

To be truly satisfied in life one must reflect regularly on the Lord.You can count on life helping you with this step in the process.

It does not matter how earnestly you seek God, or how passionately you praise God, sooner or later you are going to find yourself immersed in a “dark night of the soul.”  

Night is often used in poetry, and the Psalms to symbolize times of fear and uncertainty.  Perhaps, you have had the experience of laying on your bed late at night and wondering: “how will I make it through the difficulties that lie ahead?”   Perhaps, you are facing some grievous illness.  Perhaps you are strapped with financial burdens.  Perhaps you are experiencing a time of difficulty in your marriage.  Perhaps you are facing the justified consequences of some bad choices you have made in life.  Perhaps, you are facing trouble not of your own making but are being attacked by evil powers because of your stand for Jesus Christ.   Whatever darkness you may be facing, the solution is the same: “Remember God.”  

Remember when an impossible task confronted Noah? God was enough.  Remember when Abraham faced an impossible journey to a land unknown – God was enough.  Remember that as Moses faced the most powerful man in the world with only a staff in his hand —God was enough.  Remember when David faced the ominous Giant Goliath with only a shepherd’s sling-shot – God was enough.  Remember the disciples on the raging sea – God was enough.   Remember the Deacon Stephen as his body was pelted with stones–God was enough.  Remember the Apostle Paul who was endured beatings, imprisonment, riots, hard work, sleepless nights and hunger –God was enough.


To experience joy amidst sorrow, light amidst darkness or hope amidst despair, you must Remember God Frequently.  Many people are too long on desire and too short on memory.  Such people achieve the same result as a dog chasing it’s tail—the faster they spin, the more the goal of satisfaction alludes them.

When the Lord spoke to the great Patriarch, Job,
amidst all Job’s grievous sorrows the Lord said,

(Job 38:22-23)   "Have you entered the storehouses . . . which I reserve for times of trouble, for days of war and battle?

To experience our faith fully, we must utilize our memory effectively.   A worker was called into the personnel office for talking back to his supervisor.  The personnel director inquired, “Did you call your supervisor a liar.”  “Yes, I did,” was the reply.  “Did you call him stupid.”  Again, the man replied, “Yes, I did.”  The personnel director continued, “And a slave driver?”  Again, “Yes,” was the reply.  “And did you call him an opinionated, bullheaded, egomaniac.”  The man though a moment and said, “No, I don’t think so.  But, would you write that down so I can remember it?”

Remember God frequently gives us boldness and power!
Try making a list of the times God has blessed you so
as another Psalm says, “We will not forget His benefits.”

Nothing gives us a greater reward in times of trouble
than to revisit the times when God turned some great
obstacle into an opportunity for blessing.

To experience something better than life itself,
We must seek God earnestly, praise Him passionately, and
remember Him frequently.  These three steps will provide
a living faith that allows us to

4.  Trust Him Tenaciously (9-11)

The Singer ends this Song on a high note of trust.

9 They who seek my life will be destroyed; they will go down to the depths of the earth. 10 They will be given over to the sword and become food for jackals. 11 But the king will rejoice in God; all who swear by God's name will praise him, while the mouths of liars will be silenced.

What’s it mean to be “tenacious?”
To be “tenacious” simply means, “to hold firmly.”  Trusting God means that we “hang on long enough for God to break through with blessing.”

Most Christians never realize what it means to be truly blessed
because they “give up too soon and stop too short.”

God will come through–He has never failed yet!
Hang tough–wait for God to break in on your situation.

I recall reading about an older gentleman from
the south.  He had a small business in town.  Construction of a new road channeled potential customers away from his eating establishment.  The new road put him out of business.  He didn’t whimper and whine, but he took his recipe for chicken on-the-road.   This southern gentleman tried to sell his special recipe of 11 herbs and spices to over 1000 places before he found a buyer.  Seven years later this Southern Gentleman we know as Colonel Sanders, sold his business at the age of 75 for a finger-licking $15 million dollars!

That’s the value of being tenacious.
To experience something better than life you must
trust God tenaciously.

Tenaciously trusting God means
that we trust God to give us a way through the difficulties of life.  If we tenaciously trust God, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.”

A hunter learned this very lesson during deer season.
He was intent on bagging the biggest buck he could find.  He parked his car in a clearing just off the road and set out to bag a big one.  Soon, he spotted the biggest buck he’d ever seen.  It was huge.  He raised his rifle and shot, downing the big buck.  With his adrenalin rushing he raced to tag his trophy.  When the adrenalin wore off, however, his heart sank.  This buck was so big, he would not be able to drag it back to his truck without help.  Just about that time, a game warden popped from around a group of trees.  
“That’s a big buck,” the ranger groveled in a low voice.  Then the ranger asked, “So, do you have a license?”  The hunter thought a minute and answered, “No, sir, I’m afraid I don’t!”  The ranger puffed up his chest and said, “Well, I’m going to have to confiscate your deer and give you a fine.”  The game warden and the hunter tugged and pulled that trophy deer what seemed like miles.  Finally, they reached the clearing where he had parked his truck.  The ranger’s four-wheel drive was parked just a few yards away.  Just as the hunter and ranger reached the clearing the hunter turned to the exhausted ranger and said, “Come to think of it, I do have a license!”

When we trust God tenaciously
we will always find a way through our difficulties and
experience “something better than life.”

The Psalmist sings out with an eternal melody to God,

verse 3, “Your love is better than life.”

Of all the gifts you will ever receive, there is nothing
greater than to know, “God loves you!”
That’s a Gift that lasts past a life time–God’s love is eternal.

There was a sign in a jewelry store that said,
A box of candy means friendship;
A bunch of flowers means love;
But a diamond means business!

The Love of God is a Rare Jewel that
glitters long after this life is past—God’s Love means business!