Sunday, July 30, 2017

Why Jesus Never Had Ulcers

July 30, 2017                                             NOTES NOT EDITED
Why Jesus Never Had Ulcers!
Acts 1:6-11

Sermon-in-a-Sentence:  We cannot avoid difficulties in life, but we can learn to conquer stress.
QUESTION:  Have you ever faced a difficult or stressful situation?  Have you ever "worried?"  All of us face stress on a daily basis, but Randy Walters faced a particularly difficult situation at the bank this past week in Allentown, PA.

Randy Walters was faced with the difficult and stressful task of "proving to the bank and the Social Security Office that he was indeed alive!  He had gone into the bank to open a checking account when he received some bad news from the clerk:  He was dead!  The teller told him she checked his social security number and found that he was indeed deceased.  Randy said, "I told her I was alive and standing right in front of her."  Sorry. . . .the computer says your dead!

Next step - convincing the Social Security Office he was alive.  They said, "according to our records you died in March and you are going to stay that way until you contact the local office."  Is that a reason to worry or what!  

Thursday, Randy Walter produced the evidence necessary to prove he was alive.  Then he opened the checking account.

How about you?  How would you face being told you were dead?  I suspect far too many of us would stomp and fuss and ask to see the manager, which would do little good because when Social Security says your dead. . . .your dead!  

Randy Walters persevered, pressed ahead, and overcame a very worrisome and stressful situation because he put his trust and belief in an "alternative interpretation" of the facts.  He knew he was not dead whether anyone else did or not.  He had "faith" that what he believed would ultimately offer a truer, more real explanation.  In other words, his "belief" gave him assurance.

When faced with difficult, uncertain situations we must have some over-riding principle upon which we can rely.  We must develop a powerful principle for life that will carry us through difficult times. 

 We must find something to put our trust in.  Jesus teaches us in our passage, today just such a principle.

6 So when they met together, they asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" 7 He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." 9 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.  10 They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11 "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him.

America has been called the "Aspirin Capital of the World".  A recent survey reported that we "consume 97% of the world's aspirin supply!  It appears that the American Dream has become and alarming nightmare for many people!  People are "stressed-out, burn-out, and about to blow up!"  Many people have completely lost the ability to cope with life.  Crime, drugs, domestic violence, divorce, suicide, and on and on and on, the list of stress and worry factors go.  Our modern society bends beneath the awful load created by a lack of optimism about the future brought on by a society that is "full steam ahead without a rudder" or any moral bearing. 

The situation says we are "dead" and we don't know what to do about it!  What About You and Me?
Are you worried about the future?  Are you feeling the weight and burden of life in the near 21st Century?  Maybe you are coping better than most. . . .but are you courageously enjoying life.  GOD DID NOT CREATE US TO COPE, BUT TO CONQUER (REPEAT)!  GOD DID NOT DETINE US FOR MISERY BUT DESIGNED US FOR MARVELOUS PROPERITY.  Jesus said,

"I came to give you life, filled up to the brim life!"  Jn 10:10

We were patterned for prosperity, designed for delight, and manufactured with marvelous potential.  Here the Bible as it shouts loud and clear:


Jesus knew the secrets to victory.  Today we will examine the very last words Jesus spoke to his disciples before he "sailed home to glory."  Jesus never had ulcers because:

1.  He Never Worried About What He Could Not Change  (v 7)

Most Christians WORRY TOO MUCH, AND WORK TOO LITTLE! "It's not for you to know" or we could say, "don't sweat what you don't know".  Suppose you did figure out exactly when and how the end would come.  What could you do about it?  Instead of reducing your stress, you would probably worry yourself to death trying to figure out a way to avoid it, change it, or cheat it!
Someone tells about a woman who for many years couldn’t sleep at night because she worried that her home would be burglarized. One night her husband heard a noise in the house, so he went downstairs to investigate. When he got there, he found a burglar. The husband said to the burglar, "Come upstairs and meet my wife. She has been waiting 10 years to meet you." A real burglar can steal from you once; worry can steal from you night after night, for many years. Worry not only steals our sleep, but worry also steals our health and our abilities to cope with life productively.
I like what one man said to his friend. . . ."I will give $1000 a year to anyone who will do my worrying for me."  The money hungry friend quickly snapped back, "I'll do it.  I'll start right now doing your worrying for you. Now where's the $1000 bucks?"  The man replied, "That's your first worry!"  

Friend, your shoulders are not big enough to take on the burdens of the world.  Jesus said, "My yoke is EASY and my burden is LIGHT!"  DID YOU HEAR THAT MY STESSED-OUT BAPTIST FRIENDS?  God did not save us to do His worrying for us.  He did not call us to be busy, but to be a blessing.  (Listen, Don't Miss This).  We can't be a blessing to others if we are burnt out and broken down by the pressures of church.  [REPEAT]  How could Jesus say my "burden is easy, my yoke is light?"  Aren't we as Christians called to die for the world?"  LISTEN:  NO WE ARE NOT CALLED TO DIE FOR THE WORLD - JESUS ALREADY DID!

JESUS BORE THE PAIN. . . .SO WE COULD SHARE THE PROMISE!  Probably the most stress-beating, burden busting words Jesus ever spoke were from the cross when he said, Teletelestai :  "IT IS FINISHED!"

Here are two important lessons we must learn about the situation of sin in our world:  a difficult, disastrous disease which we can do nothing about:

#1:  God has not called us to
#2:  God does not expect us to

We can—and we should—participate in the political process to help bring about a more just and merciful society, but in reality, this is only a “stop-gap” effort that offers little meaningful change.  Our society is on a collision course with destruction and all the political maneuvering in the world is not going to stop it.

God wants us to make the best of a bad situation until He comes.

Contrary to what the “positive thinkers” and what one preacher called “The Joy Boys” (referring to prosperity preachers) are saying: the world is going to continue to get worse no matter what you and I, or anybody else does.  As I said, our primary mission is to Enlighten Sinners and Alleviate Pain.  Political involvement is a small part.

Some people accuse those who believe in the premillennial, pre-tribulational plan for the future as “ignoring this world and all its problems.  We are often called “reactionary” or “escapists.”  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Those of us who truly believe in the world will get worse before the coming of Christ are busy preaching and teaching and warning so that people can escape the wrath to come.  We are not REACTIVE – TRUE BELIEVERS ARE PROACTIVE.

In verse 6 Jesus describes two different aspects of the future by using two synonyms for “time.”  Jesus used the words, “chronos” and “kairos” to describe the future.  Chronos refers to the ticks of the clock – the simple passing of time.  This describes so many people.  They are simply passing time, and life is passing by.  The other word Jesus uses was kairos.  The word has a slightly different meaning when describing “time.”  In Classical Greek prior to the N.T. period this word referred to a “strategic, decisive point in time.”  Kairos translates better as “an opportunity” as in Eph. 5:16 which says

“Make the most of every opportunity (kairon) because the days are evil.” We are living in days of great opportunity – the darker our world, the more effective and needed is our light.  We need to get busy!

In LK 19:13, which we examined last week, Jesus said, "Occupy til I come!"  

The word He used was PRAGMATUEMAI, which means "get busy, invest, conduct business."  We get the English word, "pragmatic."  Don't worry about what you can't change -- get busy changing what you can!  "It's not for us to know all that God’s plan entails—our duty is to “work the plan." (7,8).

He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or periods that the Father has set by His own authority…. 8 be My witnesses.”

Witnessing is a great remedy for worrying!

Aren't You Glad, You Don't Have To Have ALL THE ANSWERS?

We need to take a lesson from the little boy, Jimmie.  A mother was frustrated with her eight years old son.  He was always getting into something.  All day long as the mother tried to get the chores done, Jimmie would run in-and-out of the house for one reason or another.  Each time the screen door would shut with a loud "BANG!"  After what seemed like the 1000th time the mother screamed in frustration, "Jimmie, how do you expect to get into heaven acting like that?"

WEEELLLLLL that's a big question for a little boy.  Certainly that would give Jimmie plenty to worry about in life.  That may have cause a stress trauma so great he would have to see a counselor to "reprogram."  Oh, but little children have a way around worry. . . .little Jimmie thought for a moment (his mother I'm sure never expected an answer).  Then Jimmie blurted out, "Well, No Problem!  I'll just run in and out, in and out, in and out and keep slamming God's door until he says, "For heaven's sake, Jimmie, either come in or stay out!"  The first secret to beating stress is:  DON'T WORRY ABOUT WHAT YOU CAN'T CHANGE!  Jesus, happily and merrily busied Himself with the will of God, leaving Himself completely in His Father's hands.  He didn't sweat the details, he did the deed!  
Sure. . . .that's a great idea!  But, where can the average Joe (or Jane) find the POWER to live a life like Jesus?  Is the same power that helped Jesus endure the cross available to us today?  Can we find the same power over difficulty that Jesus did?  The answer is a resounding YES!  Jesus never had ulcers because:

2.  He Never Wondered Where His Help Would Come From (v 8)

"But you will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come on you.

“Power” is exactly what the disciples were looking for – except not in the sense that Jesus was speaking.  The disciples were looking for the kind of power that Rome now had and Israel once had – political power.

Look back at their question in verse 6:

"Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?"

The word the disciples used for restore was a double-compound word which meant, “to restore to a former state,” that state being when the King of Israel held absolute political power.  But that was not – and is not – the power that Jesus offers Christians indwelt by the Holy Spirit.  The power Jesus is speaking about FAR TRANSCENDS mere political influence and control.  Jesus was talking about “Spirit power” that could, and did raise the dead.  This is the power Jesus displayed in the Passion.  Totally, absolute trust in the power of Almighty God.  We’re talking: GRAVE-BUSTING POWER!
Jesus lived, breathed, died, and rose again trusting in the power of God.  LISTEN TO THIS FANTASTIC STATEMENT OF FAITH:

"And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies THROUGH HIS SPIRIT, who lives in you"  (Romans 8:11, repeat)

Jesus  explains the consequence of what He  meant when he said, "You will receive "dynamite" when the Holy Spirit comes on you!"  

The word translated “power” refers to the ability to overcome challenges, or the power to make significant, even miraculous change.  The word “dunamis” would later come to be transliterated into English as the word, “dynamite.”  Just as dynamite has great explosive power in the natural world to remove challenges—like a mountain—so too, a spirit-filled believer has great explosive power to overcome mountain-sized challenges.

The disciples wanted power – and Jesus did not disappoint them. Real power is not political influence, but a supernatural indwelling.

Even death is not strong enough to keep the Christian.  WOW!  God wants us to pack the punch of dynamite and so often we cannot even must the pitiful snap of a 10 cent firecracker!  

Jesus never WAIVERED because Jesus never WONDERED where His help was coming from.  How many times in difficult days do you suppose Jesus reflected on the words in Psalm 121:

"I will lift up my eyes to the hills--where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth!"  (v 1) With So Much Hurt, Despair, and Need In The World How Can We As Christians Not Despair and Worry?


Did you ever think to yourself. . . ."How can I change anything?  I'm just one person, rather ordinary at that.  What power do I have to change anything?

IN OREGON ABOUT 7700 YEARS AGO THERE WAS A MOUNTAIN.  In fact, it was the largest mountain in N. Am.  It was called, "Mt. Mazama."  It's twin peaks danced in the clouds as it spiraled out of sight into the heavens.  But, if you go to Mt. Mazama today, and I've been there,  you don't see Mountain Peaks jutting up thousands of feet into the sky.  YOU SEE ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CRYSTAL-CLEAR LAKES IN THE WORLD.  At 1900 feet deep "Crystal Lake" is the 7th deepest lake in the world.  This lake holds over 4.6 trillion gallons of water.  But, where is Mt. Mazama?  Mt. Mazama was a volcano and in one horrific display of awesome power, this great Mt. exploded and formed Crater Lake.  It erupted with the force of 20,000 bombs like the one dropped on Hiroshima.  FRIEND. . . .THAT'S POWER!  BUT THE "DYNAMITE" POWER OF GOD'S SPIRIT IS FAR GREATER STILL!!!

Jesus Never Worried About What He Could Not Change. Jesus Never Wondered Where He Would Find The Power To do God’s Will, and Jesus never had ulcers because

3.  He Never Wasted Time Wishing Things Were Different (v 11)

"Why Are You Standing Here With Your Heads In The Clouds?"

There's much we cannot change.  There's some we can change. . . .

We CAN continually involve ourselves in ministry to outsiders.... We CAN involve ourselves in local, state, and national politics....We CAN contribute cheerfully to the work of missions locally and worldwide....We CAN participate merrily and heartily in our local church....We CAN pray without ceasing.  There is MUCH WE CAN DO!

Too Many Christians Are Angels....Always Up In The Air Harping About Something.

Anyone Can Curse The Darkness---For God's Sake, Someone Light A Candle!

Dreaming About Ministry Is Not Good Enough!

I recall a little boy named, Billy.  Billy was not a "scholastic sort of guy."  He had little interest in school.  During class he would drift off to sleep and dream of far away places.  Many times the teacher would abruplty bring Billy back into session.  It happened one day during "geography" class.  Billy drifted off to dreamland.  The teacher spied him and shouted, "Billy, I'm ashamed of you!  Sleeping during geography class. What do you have to say for yourself?"  In defense Billy answered,  "Well, I was sleeping Ma'am, but I was dreaming about geography!"

Too Many Christians Are Asleep At The Wheel Dreaming About Ministry.

Or, as one brother said the other night – we have the sand, we have the gravel, we have the water – if we want to build a great church we need to start making concrete!

A few years ago a survey was taken (shortly after the success of Desert Storm).  According to the survey the most honored and respected man in America was Gen. Colin Powell, the Chairman of the Armed Forces Chiefs of Staff.  Success did not drop into Powell's lap.  As a yound man he set out to make some-thing of himself.  He didn't dream about success, he worked at it.

He tells the story of three "ditch diggers."  One digger leaned on his shovel all day and dreamed about owning the company.  A second digger complained about the work wished things were different.  The third digger kept on digging.

Years passed.  The first digger was still leaning on the shovel dreaming about owning the company.  The second digger faked and injury and retired on a small pension.  The third digger, who kept on digging now owned the company.

You won't beat the stress of life "wasting time wishing things were different." You've got to get out of the clouds and get into the ministry.

Gen. Powell held the highest military position in the most powerful nation on earth.  He began his climb up the ladder of success "mopping floors in a bottling factory."  He said, "I set out to be the best mop wielder in the company."




Sunday, July 23, 2017

Taking Care of Business

July 23, 2017                NOTES NOT EDITED
Taking Care of Business
Luke 19:11-27, esp. v13

SIS—Every Christian has the responsibility for taking care of the most important business in the world—soul-winning!

He said therefore, A certain noble man went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.
And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come (Luke 12-13)

I used the King James Version for the Scripture reading because I think the old English word, “occupy” (v13) gives us the “militaristic and aggressive” tone I think is applicable to this passage.  “Occupy” reflects doing something “radical.”  If Jesus was anything, He was a radical.  So powerful was the ministry of Jesus Christ that He split eternity literally in two.  We date our calendars as Before and After—B.C. and A.D.—the ministry of Jesus.  That’s pretty radical.  That’s pretty militant.  That’s pretty aggressive.
According to Wikipedia, the Occupy Movement, “is an international socio-political movement against social and economic inequality.” It is an international movement but most Americans got their first taste of it with “Occupy Wall Street.” You can read more “sterilized” details of the movement on Wikipedia.
One banner in one “Occupy” event stated simply, “Occupy Everything!”

This modern American phenomenon is “militaristic, proud, and aggressive,” and that is describing them in the most favorable light possible.  In almost every case, the Occupy Movement is “loudness, looting, and letting the fleshly nature fly free.” These Occupy Movements are “in your face and in your shops!”
The original “Occupy Movement” predates Occupy Wall Street by a couple millennia. Jesus used that term in His instructions to His disciples just a week or so before His death on the cross. In the Parable of the Ten Minas Jesus said gave a simple and succinct command to you and I as His followers: “Occupy till I come” (Luke 19:13).
The word Jesus used is 14 characters long and provides the etymology for our word, “pragmatism.” Loosely one could translate it, “Be pragmatic until I come.” That would not be a sufficient translation, however. The original word had much more force than that. The range of meaning for this word includes the idea of “pursue with a vigor.”
In Classical Greek, it was used to refer to “affairs of state,” or “political service.” The word was also used for intellectual pursuits such as those of historians. It also was used in an economic sense as with business pursuits. The word carries the weight of all these ideas in Our Lord’s use.
Two common threads intertwined to give this word it’s force. One, the idea of “passion,” and the idea of “purpose.” Our Lord’s command would be: “Pursue passionately the extension of my Kingdom on earth by engaging the world in practical ways to extend my spiritual reach.”
You could translate that command as, “Engage passionately the world to take back ground that the enemy, the Devil, as usurped.” I could offer other various translations based upon this 14-letter word in the Greek, but I think you get the point.
We need to be busy with the Master’s Business. 
As we consider the responsibility every believer has to share the gospel and build the kingdom, we need to consider three important aspects of the business of the church.

1.  It is God’s Business

15 “At his return, having received the authority to be king,  he summoned those slaves he had given the money to, so he could find out how much they had made in business. 16 The first came forward and said, ‘Master, your mina has earned 10 more minas.’ 
Notice the servant said, “It was YOUR mina, not mine.”

To fully appreciate the nature and scope of God’s business, we need to understand how this parable of the minas is related to what took place just before.  Look at verse 11:
11 As they were listening to this,” or as the ESV says, “these things.”

What things were they listening to.  Go back to verses 8-10:

But Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, “Look, I’ll give  half of my possessions to the poor,  Lord! And if I have extorted  anything from anyone, I’ll pay  back four times as much!”  “Today salvation has come to this house,” Jesus told him, “because he too is a son of Abraham.  10 For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost.”

The disciples had just watched and participated in the interaction between Jesus and a tax collector with a wicked, rotten heart named Zacchaeus.  The encounter with Jesus radically changed Ole’ Zach, and it let the Lord to sum up His business in one short, pregnant sentence:

“I have come to seek and to save that which is lost.”   Then Jesus told this parable of the minas to teach us—notice that the parable mentions 10 servants, not twelve (v11).  This teaches that Jesus was looking not only to the responsibility of his Twelve disciples but every one that would become a disciple down to our day and beyond.

God’s business is the “soul-seeking business.”  We’ve made it the “food pantry social needs business.”  We’ve made it the “children and youth activity center business.”  Some churches have made it the “Seminary classroom, verse by verse business.”  We’ve made worship the “entertainment business,” but the only business that has any business being called God’s business is the “soul-seeking business!”

What an awful mess we have made of the business of the church by majoring on minors and missing the main point. 

Now, we must also bear in mind that the “business of the church” is God’s business, not ours.  In fact, the responsibility to “seek and to save the loss” is too heavy a burden for any man or church to bear.  We would be crushed beneath the weight of the work.  This is why Jesus reminded us in Matthew 11:29-30
29 All of you, take up My yoke and learn from Me,  because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for yourselves.  30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Take my yoke upon you for my burden is light.  Why is the yoke of ministry light?  Because we are yoked together with Jesus.  In the other side of the yoke of responsibility that rests upon our neck, is the Jesus our Lord.  He bears the burden, but we share the blessing. Jesus does the heavy lifting.
Look in verse 16.  Notice a very important pronoun that we neglect to our own shame and peril. 

16 The first came forward and said, ‘Master, your mina has earned 10 more minas.’ 

That same pronoun is repeated by each servant (vv. 16, 18, 20).

We so often move out in our own direction, and lose the way.  We so often in the church operate in our own strength, and collapse in disappointment.  No, it is not our work, but His.  We are but stewards, or managers, or tools in His hands. 
Here’s why so many churches are gasping in exhaustion and chasing their tales in ministry:  We set out to do the work of the Lord but forget the work IS the Lord’s!  We cannot get Godly results with fleshly efforts—though we seem bound and determined to try.

2.  It’s Risky Business

20 “And another came and said, ‘Master, here is your mina. I have kept it hidden away in a cloth 21 because I was afraid of you, for you’re a tough man: you collect what you didn’t deposit and reap what you didn’t sow.’  22 “He told him, ‘I will judge you by what you have said,  you evil slave! If you knew I was a tough man, collecting what I didn’t deposit and reaping what I didn’t sow, 23 why didn’t you put my money in the bank? And when I returned, I would have collected it with interest!’ 24 So he said to those standing there, ‘Take the mina away from him and give it to the one who has 10 minas.’

The motives of the fearful servant were not altogether honorable perhaps (if he put the money in the bank and the king never returned, the money went with the estate.  If he kept it and the king did not return, he had a windfall).  His understanding of the risk of investing were accurate however.  If he invested the money, there was a risk he would lose it.

Most people are looking for a safe, risk-free, guaranteed return on investment Christian experience.  Most want the benefits of salvation, but none of the sacrifice of service.  There is no great reward where there is not also a great risk.  Charles Swindoll pointed out years ago:
“All who fly, risk crashing!”

There’s all kinds of risks and costs associated with Taking Care of God’s Business.  There are personal risks—you WILL lose friends.  There are financial risks—when you give all you have to God, you risk having to trust God to meet our need.  When you take a stand for what is right, you made find your employer does not share your spiritual concerns.  There are literally physical risks.  You may one day face losing your life as a martyr for the cause of Christ.  Don’t think it cannot happen here in America.  Risky days are ahead for believers, even on these once hallowed shores.

Let me tell you an old story about trusting God enough to risk everything to serve him.  A man walking along a mountain trail slipped over the edge.  As he was sliding down the mountain side to certain death, he reached out to grab a little branch jutting out from the mountain side.  There he hung dangling over the precipice of death. As he clung to that life-saving branch he yelled, “Hey!  Anybody up there?  Please help me!”  A voice echoed back, “I’m here. Do you believe I can help you?”  The man responded, “Yes, yes, I believe you can help me.  Hurry, I can’t hold on much longer.”  The voice yelled back, echoing off the mountain side, “Do you believe I love you enough to help you?”  The man, a bit frustrated, “Yes, yes, I do believe you love me enough to help me.  Please hurry.”  As the man hung there, sweat pouring down his face, his grip on the life-saving vine loosening, the voice from above yells back one more time, “Do you believe I have the POWER to save you?”  Almost frantic the man cries out, “Oh, yes, yes, I believe you have the power to help me!”  The voice called back, “Because you believe I can help you, and you believe I love you, and you believe I have the power to help you, I WILL help you.  Now . . . let go of the branch.”  There was a brief moment of silence.  Then the man in a feeble voice cried out, “Is there anybody else up there?”
Taking Care of God’s Business is risky.  There is no “easy riskfree path for those following Jesus.”  God’s business of soul-winning is a risky business.  The most important consideration as we take up the responsibility to follow Christ is realizing God’s business is

3.  A World-changing Business (Luke 3:4-6)
A voice of one crying out in the wilderness: Prepare the way for the Lord; make His paths straight! Every valley will be filled, and every mountain and hill will be made low; the crooked will become straight, the rough ways smooth, and everyone  will see the salvation of God.
Our world is a mess.  Our nation is a mess.  Most churches I know of are a mess.  Most families are dealing with one kind of mess or another.  We all want a “fix.”  We all want to change our world for the better.  The 64,000 dollar question is:  “how?”  It sounds simplistic to say:  preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and practice New Testament discipleship.  That may be simplistic, but most world changing ideas are simple.  Consider the most significant theory in the history of modern man.  The theory that yanked the world out of the Industrial Age and into the Atomic Age.  That theory, in its simplest form is E=mc2-the theory of relativity.  Einstein once said, “If you cannot explain your theory to a child, you do not understand it yourself.”

Einstein shared the belief of other scientists that the simplest solution to a problem is most likely the correct one.  That proposition has a name:  Occam’s Razor, named after the philosopher William of Ockham, who died in 1347. 

The gospel is a world-changing business.  I shared last week about how secular drug treatments are 15% effective, at best, but when you add the gospel to the program as Teen Challenge does, it is 87.5% effective—according to a study by the Health, Education, and Welfare Department.

I don’t know if most Christians really believe the gospel has world-changing power.  If we did, we see more happening in our personal lives and in the life of our church and community. 

A man armed with the truth of the gospel and steadied by the hand of God on his shoulder can literally move mountains.  No man has had a greater impact upon American society in the last 100 years or more than a preacher from Georgia, by the name of Martin Luther King, Jr.  Dr. King literally preached and prayed these United States out of the black cloud of prejudice that hung over our nation.  In perhaps his greatest speech, on the steps of the Capital August 28, 1963. Dr. King delivered his, “I Have a Dream Speech.”  In one part of that short speech Dr. King used the words we read just a minute ago:

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made straight and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.

Dr. King would not see the fulfillment of those words he preached that day.  We still have a long way to go to see them truly fulfilled, but we can be assured that through the gospel, the world will be changed . . . one soul at a time!  Change never comes from adding rules and regulations—as we can see from the utter failure of Washington, D.C.  Real change comes not from changing laws, but changing hearts!  Only the gospel can do that.CLOSE:  This is why every Christian must accept his or her responsibility to make God’s business of seeking and searching for souls, our business.

The great musical talent, Irving Berlin, wrote some of the most enduring songs of all time. My all-time favorite Berlin song is “White Christmas,” especially as sung by Bing Crosby. Written in 1954 for the movie of the same name, this song predates me, but even 63 years later, it is a staple of Christmas time.
Another famous Berlin son was also written for a movie. Berlin composed “There’s No Business Like Show Business” for the 1946 smash hit, “Annie Get Your Gun.” This song, like White Christmas, had a long, successful career. Such greats as Ethel Merman, Judy Garland, and even Bing Crosby with the Andrew Sisters, recorded this iconic song. But, the song did not die with the old classics like Garland and Crosby. Harry Connick, Jr. recorded the song in 1999. 
It’s a catchy phrase and a catchy tune, “There’s No Business Like Show Business.” Show business has certainly promoted glamor and intrigue, and supported, the “lifestyle of the rich and famous” for many years. The lyrics describe show business:
There's no business like show business like no business I know
Everything about it is appealing, everything that traffic will allow
Nowhere could you get that happy feeling when you are stealing that extra bow.
There is a business much more significant than show business. That’s “God’s Business.” God’s business may not promote the glitz and glamor of Hollywood, nor endorse the lifestyles of the rich and famous, but God’s business is eternal business—and nothing is bigger than eternity. 
We will discuss God’s Business this Sunday, Lord willing. Specifically, our responsibilities as Christians for promoting God’s Business. We will analyze the risks associated with participating in God’s Business, as well as the miraculous, life-changing power that God’s Business offers.