Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Declaration of Incompleteness

July 4th, 2014
“The Declaration of Incompleteness”
Galatians 5:1; et. al.

SIS – No man or woman is truly free until he or she is spiritually free.

The Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, the second sentence, is perhaps the most famous.  It states:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Someone has referred to that sentence as, “One of the best known sentences in the English language.”  Freedom is that important.

The freedom declared by those gathered in Congress that 4th day of July in 1776 was a declaration of “complete and total freedom,” specifically for “all men.”  Yet, most of the Signers of that Declaration did NOT, in fact, extend freedom to “all” men.  The majority of the Signers owned other people.  Most of the Signers benefitted from the owning of human flesh which worked their farms and enterprises.  It would be many years, long past the death of every Signer before Abraham Lincoln would “free the slaves.” 

Still, freedom was”incomplete.”  True freedom would not come for “all” Americans until Johnson would sign the Civil Rights Act, July 2, 1964, only 53 years ago.  Until then, Black Americans were still not completely free.  I would suggest, that even today, racism enslaves both white and black in chains of prejudice.

Freedom has many components:  national, political, moral, and spiritual.  A person is not completely free until he or she is spiritually free.  Therefore, I refer to this message as, “The Declaration of Incompleteness.”  Many people remain in bondage today, whether it is national, political, moral, spiritual, or a combination of one or more of these.

There are many “declarations of freedom” in the Bible.  I’d like us to read one of the most powerful together.  Let’s read Galatians 5:1. The majesty of the KJV is unmatched in this verse:

5 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

The word translated “stand fast” is a form Paul seemed to prefer over other alternatives and synonyms.  It is a particularly “strong” construction that indicates an ability to stand that is gained by a relationship with God.  It is in the imperative mood meaning it is a command. It is in the present tense meaning it is a “continuing” action. Our declaration of independence from sin is, like our declaration of independence from tyranny, also a Declaration of Incompleteness.  The battle continues.

There are several components that are necessary for a person, or people, to have true freedom.  In fact, as we examine these various components of freedom, we will come to understand why I feel God led me to entitle this message:  “The Declaration of Incompleteness.”

Absolute freedom is not something we attain, as much as it is something we are in the constant pursuit of.  The moment we take our freedom for granted and are not constantly at the ready to defend it, we are in danger of losing it altogether.

This is what the writer meant when he wrote:  “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”  It is only when we are pursuing and promoting all the components of freedom that we are, indeed, truly free.  At present, our freedom is neither complete in its composition nor its progression.  Each component requires daily diligence to keep it operating in our lives. The first component I want to examine this morning is:

1.  The NATIONAL component.

Let me state what I mean like this:  “We are not truly free if we ignore any threats from any nation, any group, or any despot who wishes to violate our borders and do us harm.

This past week, my nephew shipped off for the Middle East to take up the defense of our freedom here at home.  Now, most Americans do not live as if we are at war.  Most Americans have forgotten the terrifying images of 9 1 1 – now nearly a decade and a half ago. We have tucked them away into the closed closet of our collective national conscience.  Because we do not hear the bullets whiz by our heads or feel the concussion from an live IED (Improvised Explosive Device), we do not even realize we are still at war.  The lesson of
 9 1 1 is lost to most Americans, today. This endangers our freedom.

But, I want to remind us that we are in a war to secure our national borders.  There are those that would do us harm, and we are not truly free if we ignore this threat. No great chains can be forged than the chains of apathy.

Most people do not acknowledge that in the economy of God, He established the right to national borders.  He did this when He, Himself, set forth the borders for Israel.  The Book of Numbers says,

34 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Command the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter Canaan, the land that will be allotted to you as an inheritance will have these boundaries:

Actually, The Book of Numbers does not completely outline all of Israel’s borders.  Genesis 15:18 gives a more comprehensive survey:

8 On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, “To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates.

That’s a border stretching from Egypt to Iraq, north to Syria and South down into the Sinai Peninsula.

I won’t go into all the arguments concerning how America’s borders were established.  They are now established.  Israel is God’s “visual aid” for all nations.  Just as God expects Israel’s borders to be recognized – and one day they will be recognized in toto – we have a right as a nation – no, a responsibility as a nation – to secure our borders and defend our citizenry.

Much more could be said, but for our purposes today it is sufficient to say that the Bible recognizes the right of national borders.  Freedom has a national component.  I am a Christian, but I am an American, too. This is my God-ordained nationality (Acts 17:26).

The battle for our national borders remains incomplete.

2.  Freedom has a POLITICAL component

Let me say it like this: “We are not truly free as long as we let tyrants rule from the bench of OUR high court or act like kings in the halls of OUR congress.

I think it could be argued that our most dangerous foe does not lie beyond our borders, but has taken up residence in our politics.

 In the 40’s one of the most famous comic strip writers of all time came onto the scene.  His name was Walt Kelly and his strip starred a swamp possum by the name of Pogo and Pogo’s very animated swamp buddies. 

Kelly used his strip to promote his political point of view through satire.  The most famous line ever spoken by Pogo came in a strip promoting the Earth Day Anti-pollution campaign in 1970.  Pogo, lamenting all the trash they were bringing to the swamp said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

How true this political comment is today.  Our greatest enemy in the on-going struggle to protect and promote our freedom, is “apathy.”  When we don’t care what they do in Washington, we get what evil, fallen, men and women of sin will give us:   t r o u b l e!

At least in part, the Founders of our Nation and the framers of our Constitution, took their cue of how to form a government from the Bible.  They proactively and distinctively rejected the corruptible form of government commonly called a “democracy” – the rule of the majority.  Instead, they chose a form of government, Benjamin Franklin, called a “Republic” – the rule of law.  And the “law” they saw as the rule was mentioned in the Declaration: “the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God.”

Some try to make of this that the Founding Fathers wanted a “godless” nation ruled by the laws of nature.  However, the term “Nature’s God” is capitalized for a purpose because it refers to the “Creator,” the God of the Bible.  It was a rhetorical device of the Founder’s choosing to show great reverence for God and establish Him as the Only True Sovereign.

So, where in the Bible would they get an idea for a “representative republic?”  This idea is mentioned several times in both the old and the N.T.  One such time is in Exodus 18:19-23.  It is repeated to a new generation in Deu. 1:6-13. 

19 Listen now to me and I will give you some advice, and may God be with you. You must be the people’s representative before God and bring their disputes to him. 20 Teach them the decrees and laws, and show them the way to live and the duties they are to perform. 21 But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. 22 Have them serve as judges for the people at all times, but have them bring every difficult case to you; the simple cases they can decide themselves. That will make your load lighter, because they will share it with you. 23 If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied.”

Deuteronomy uses a key phrase that shows the beauty of “representative government”:

9 At that time I said to you, “You are too heavy a burden for me to carry alone. 10 The Lord your God has increased your numbers so that today you are as many as the stars in the sky. 11 May the Lord, the God of your fathers, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised! 12 But how can I bear your problems and your burdens and your disputes all by myself? 13 Choose some wise, understanding and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will set them over you.”

Notice the command in verse 13: “You choose,” meaning “you choose for yourselves.” The people who are responsible for government are not the leaders who are chosen, but the people that choose them.

It would be – and is – foolish for any American to think that we can send someone to Washington to work on our behalf and then not hold them accountable.  BUT – that is exactly what we have done on a large scale since at least as early as the 60’s.

And, what have we received in return for our apathy?  We are a nation in crisis by about any form of measure you wish to apply:  economically, socially, physically, educationally, or spiritually.  We are a nation that cannot even unequivocally decide on whether the only valid arrangement for a marriage is between a “woman and a man.”  As a nation, culture has even abandoned the distinction between male and female. 

Until we reestablish the principles of Christ upon which any nation is “exalted,” we will continue to slide further and further into the dust bin of history.  Christians must always fight in the political arena.

True freedom has a political component that we as Christian ignore to our own peril.  The political battle for our freedom remains incomplete.

3.  True Freedom has a MORAL component.

Let me say it like this:  “We are not truly free as long as we let a “pro-choice” agenda endanger our weakest citizens.”

Here I want to beat the drum for a “pro-life” agenda as the platform not only of the Republican Party, but as the platform upon which our entire body politic rests.  Only when our nation fully embraces the Biblical doctrine of the Sanctity of Human Life will we have any hope of revival in – and survival of – our nation.

This is not a “political issue.”  This is a moral issue.  Let me direct your attention to a very old story in the Bible.  This goes back to the very first conflict (at least recorded) in the history of man.  Turn to Genesis 4:9:

9 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” 10 The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground. 11 Now you are under a curse.”

Just the blood spilled from one innocent life sent a cry up to God and brought a curse down to a man.  How much more does the blood of millions of innocents cry out to God and bring a curse upon our land?

We simply cannot be blessed as a nation with the blood of one and one half million babies a year – or over 65 million innocent babies we know of since 1973.  We have blood on our hands as a nation and a curse upon our head like Cain.  That decision may have been the death blow to our nation, and embracing homosexuality may be the nails in our coffin.  Morality counts!  No political issue matters as much as the moral issue of “killing inconvenient children.”

None of us experiences true freedom when our weakest, most defenseless citizens are not even free to have “life and the pursuit of happiness.”  Unless we continually fight to reverse Roe v. Wade’s assault on the unborn, we as Americans will labor under the “Curse of Cain.”

America has many other moral failings that threaten our freedom, but none is so important as the failure to protect the most innocent and vulnerable in our society – the unborn.

As it was in Hitler’s Germany, so it can easily be in America:  the assault began first on the unborn, then the unable, and finally the undesirable until the stench of Germany’s immorality filled the sky in a black smoke and the nation was lost.  America’s battle for godly morality wages on.

Freedom has a moral component.  Freedom has a national component and a political component as well.  But, the most important component – the only component that brings eternal freedom –

4.  is the SPIRITUAL component

Let me say it like this:  We are not truly free as a people or nation as long as there is one relative, friend, neighbor and fellow-citizen who has not been freed from the shackles of sin.

This brings us back to where we began this morning in our text of Galatians, chapter five:

5It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

The slavery Paul is speaking of here is “slavery to sin.”  The jailer that imprisons us in sin is trying to get free by keeping the “Law” – by being religious.  Paul says in verse 2:

2 Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.

There is absolutely NO VALUE in religion and it actually wraps more chains around your heart and makes it harder for you to “ever find freedom in Christ by God’s grace.” Religion is a “man-centered” approach to eternal life that will have you climbing the ladder of ritualism only to find the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall. Religion is a “slave-master” that exacts an eternal toll.

Salvation is the essence of “true salvation.”  The national component, the political component, and the moral component all contribute to what was declared to be a human beings inalienable right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

But, these three components:  national, political, and moral have no power by themselves or together to bring about the true freedom that only comes when we appropriate for ourselves what Jesus provided for us when He died in our place on the cross.

We still live in the freest, greatest, most abundant nation on the face of the earth, but unless we have personally been freed from the penalty of sin, we have nothing.  As the Bible reminds us:

“What shall it profit a person to gain the whole world and yet forfeit [or lose] his or her soul?”

Paul goes on to say in Galations 5:13:

13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. 14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Sin is a hard task master and wicked dictator.  You cannot be truly free until, by the grace of God, your old sinful nature is put to death and replaced by the nature of grace, which produces a spirit of deep love for others.  This battle will be “incomplete” until the Lord comes to take us home.  We must fight sin on a daily basis.

The story goes that as Benjamin Franklin emerged from Independence Hall at the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a woman asked him, “Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”.   Mr. Franklin replied, “A republic, madam – if you can keep it.”  Just a few short years after the initial Declaration of Independence, men like Franklin and other Founding Fathers (especially Jefferson) realized that “Independence” was not, and would never be “complete.”  The same declaration of independence was also a “Declaration of Incompleteness.”  For Christians, this applies to our spiritual “freedom” as well.  While the victory may ultimately be assured, the fight is not, and never will be over, as long as we are in this flesh
My declaration to us as a people of God today is a Declaration of Incompleteness. 

I do not feel that we are as free today as we might be if we would turn in humble confession back to the God of our Founding Father, and to Jesus Christ, the Founder, or Author of our salvation.

On this, the birthday of our great Nation, may we resolve to be “truly free.”  May we say with sincere and longing hearts:  GOD BLESS AMERICA!, and really desire for a full and complete freedom for every man, woman, and child in America and around the world. 


In reading about the Declaration of Independence, I came across this analysis.  I thought it was worth sharing.

From the "when less is more" department:
God so loved the world: 5 words
The Pythagorean theorem: 24 words
The Lord's Prayer: 66 words
Archimedes' Principle: 67 words
The Ten Commandments: 179 words
The Gettysburg Address: 286 words
The Declaration of Independence:
1,300 words

---The U.S. Government regulation on the sale of cabbage:
    26,911 words

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