Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Incredible Journey

September 29, 2013
The Incredible Journey
Philippians 1:3-11                NOTES NOT EDITED

SIS—Christians are on an incredible journey.

Sometimes on the journey of life, things don’t always go as we would hope.  Such is the nature of life.  It is a journey full of ups and downs, a few dangerous curves, and times we seem to have lost our way.  Yet, for the believer, we have God’s guarantee we will make it to our destination.  Even with all the challenges we face, this life is still an “Incredible Journey.”

I’m sure many of you remember the Disney adventure, “The Incredible Journey.” Many of you remember the 1993 remake of a Disney classic, "The Incredible Journey." Two dogs and a cat form a "traveling partnership" when they believe they have been abandoned in "The City." The story continues as these three compadres brave the dangers of the wild in their quest to return home. The metaphor of life, though obvious, is nonetheless quite profound. From the time of our birth we are on an incredible journey to return home to Our Eternal Father. We face many dangers and challenges and at points it seems we will not make it home. Paul gives us the assurance that as believers, and followers of Christ, we will make it home—and, the journey home will be nothing short of “incredible.”

There are certain passages, I like to repeat from time to time.  The passage we are going to read, today, is one of those passages.  Let’s read what Paul says about having confidence as we make our way through life:


Three important facts emerge in regard to “Our Incredible Journey.”

1.  First, we are going somewhere? (21-23)

In the journey of life, the destination makes all the difference in our incredible journey.  Sure, there are steep mountains and deep valleys.  Life takes many an unexpected twist or turn.  But, knowing one’s eternal destiny is in God’s House with God’s Son, and all the saints of all the ages makes all the difference.  Jump down to verse 21:

21 For me, living is Christ  and dying is gain.

What does a believer gain in death?  We gain “heaven.” If it were not for the promise of heaven – life would be sore and miserable indeed.  The great Christian writer and Oxford Professor of English, C.S. Lewis, wrote a wonderful series titled, the Chronicles of Narnia.  One of the books in that series was made into a full-length, animated film.  It is titled, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  In this part of the tale, two children experience the magical, mystical, perhaps even frightening world called Narnia.  C.S. Lewis describes life in Narnia in a very profound way.  Lewis says of Narnia, “it is always winter but never Christmas.” As a child, I always knew when the first snow of winter fell, Christmas was just around the corner.

This is a perfect description of life on earth if there were no heaven.
It would be “always winter but never Christmas.”  One writer tells us this about heaven:  “Heaven is the inevitable reality that is coming which gives us not only something to live FOR, but also something to live TOWARD in the midst of earthside realities that so often disappoint and defeat us.”

The promise of heaven makes living in this world tolerable—in fact, it makes living in this world, “incredible”: Look at verses 21-23:

21 For me, living is Christ  and dying is gain.  22 Now if I live on in the flesh, this means fruitful  work  for me; and I don’t know which one I should choose. 23 I am pressured by both. I have the desire to depart and be with Christ —which is far better.

Paul is driven to continue telling the story and giving praise to God because he knew he was going somewhere – somewhere far better!

Paul describes heaven as simply the “far-better place.” Heaven will simply be “far-better than anything that our feeble minds could possibly imagine.”  Heaven will be a place of indescribable joy and fulfillment.

Yes, friends, as the journey continues we are going somewhere. We are headed for the Promised Land in this life, and the Land of Paradise beyond.  We God’s children.  We are going places!  In this “Incredible Journey” called life, we need to know we are “going somewhere.”  Our lives in Christ have purpose.  Even our pain has purpose.  There’s something else.

2.  We are not in a hurry. (23-25)

Too often we become “left-laners.”  Too often, the urgencies
of the moment blind us to the wonderful sights and experiences as we travel this earthly highway.  When we travel too fast and gets us into all kinds of trouble

Take one couple I read about recently.  Out of nowhere, a police officer appeared behind them with lights flashing.  The man pulled to the side of the road.  When the officer walked up to the car a man rolled down the window and said, "what's the problem officer?" To which the policeman responded, "I stopped you for running that red light behind you." Just then the man's wife leaned over from the passenger seat and said with a very loud voice, "I told him to stop at that light. But did he listen? No. He just kept right on going." The man then turned to his wife and yelled "Shut up stupid!" The officer thought that sounded a bit rude.  The policeman continued, "And just before the light I clocked you doing 50 m.p.h. and the speed limit is only 30." His wife then leaned over again and squawked "I told him to slow down. But did he listen to me. No! He never listens to me."  And again the man shouted at his wife "Listen stupid, I told you to SHUT UP!"  The man’s mental abuse of his wife actually made the officer a bit mad.  The policeman then looked at the woman and said "does he always talk to you this way?"  To which the woman responed, "Only when he has been drinking."

Too often in life, we let things distract us, or we get into too big a hurry to appreciate the “incredible journey” we are on. We try to figure things out on our to “move things along,” and it only gets worse.  Instead of taking our time and enjoying the journey, we get wrapped up in the details of life or we become impatient with the progress we are making.  When my kids were growing up, a common phrase they would use when I’d get a little “impatient” with something was:  Dad, just chill out.  I hated to hear that—but I knew they were right. 

Now, please do not hear what I did not say.  This is a problem
many people have when they listen to preachers.  I am NOT saying that there is not an “urgent” need to be about the business of Christ.  People are dying, communities are decaying, and families are disintegrating.  We must be urgent in our approach to ministry.  This is not to say we must be in a “hurry.”  To be in a hurry implies anxiety or uncertainty.  Being in a hurry implies that we are not confident of the outcome of our life and work.  To be in a hurry is to seek to “control” our circumstances rather than trust our Savior.  We need to be “urgent” about eternal matters, but not in a hurry.  Just as it takes many years to become a strong, mighty oak, it takes time to make a difference in our church, our family, and our community.  Urgency mandates that we take matters seriously, but faith dictates that we take time to hear from our Lord along the way.  Urgency and hurriedness are not synonyms in our walk with the Lord.

A good example of what it means to be “urgent” but not hurried”
is a vacation I took when I was an elementary school kid.  This is perhaps one of my favorite memories from childhood and I use it often as an illustration because it is rich with so many truths.

When I think of vacations I’ve had over the years one stands out
as the “Mount Everest” towering above them all.  It was our families trip to Florida.  I guess I must have about eleven or twelve years old.  I remember the Pontiac Bonneville station-wagon that my Dad recently had purchased.  It seemed like it was the size of a battleship.  It was blue and had wood-panelling (or a wood-like panelling stuff) on the sides.  It had a rear-facing third seat in the back.  It was my chariot-of-fire on a wonderful adventure from West Virginia hills to Florida swampland.  I remember we had a flat tire as we were leaving and I was afraid it would cancel our trip.  To this day I can see my Dad and Mom way up front as I would turn from that rear-facing third seat.  I remember watching as the scenery would change magically as we passed through state after state on our journey to Florida.  Every sight along the way was something remarkably new to me.  My eyes would strain to take every thing in.  Every spot along the way was a gateway to a whole new world.

The vacation for me did not start when we arrived in Florida.
My vacation started when we left the driveway.  I was excited about each and every mile along the way.  You see, I was a child, and it was my Dad and Mom’s job to worry about the details.  All I had to do was enjoy the ride!

Paul understood the struggle between “urgency in ministry” and “hurriedness.”  Look at verses 23-25:

 23 I am pressured by both. I have the desire to depart and be with Christ —which is far better — 24 but to remain in the flesh is more necessary for you. 25 Since I am persuaded of this, I know that I will remain and continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith,

Paul talks about “making progress.” (Greek: --prokope). The original world meant, “To drive forward as if by beating.” Christian growth is hard and takes time.  Often, ministry is hard and it takes time.  Sometimes progress is fast.  Sometimes it is painfully slow.  The key is to be urgent, but not hurried in our ministry.

Progress in our Christian lives takes time. Sometimes, for some of us, it takes a lot of time.  How many times as the journey of life continues have you had a “flat tire” along the way?  How many times have you tripped over your sin and fallen on face?   Life is full of flat tires.  There are trials and temptations upon the road of life that slow our journey.  There are nails of tribulations that puncture the tires of our faith and send us to the side of the road and searching for our spare tire.

Don’t get discouraged because you feel you are not growing fast enough.  Becoming what God wants you to be takes time.  It may take an eternity.  But time is something that a Christian has a whole lot of!

Like the ancient Israelites, God has brought us to the edge of the
Promised Land – a land of sweetness and blessing; a land of abundant joy and tremendous expectation.  As Christians, salvation has brought us to the edge of the Promised Land of a sanctified and holy life full of blessing and great expectations.  God wants us to live in the promised land.

Paul instructs us that if we are patient with life’s circumstances
and persistent in pursuing the calling in our lives, we will experience “progress and joy in our faith.”  We are not in a hurry.

But, the most fantastic truth about this journey that continues is this:

3.  We are not travelling alone. (3-5)

Look back at verses 3-5:   3I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Isn’t that fantastic!  These verses remind us of the wonderful truth about life in the Christian family.  We have each other.  We do not travel alone.

The greatest treasures we have in life are our family and friends.
No thought more readily disturbs my sense of peace than the fact that I might someday be alone.  I love being around people.  I love even being around total strangers.

I’ve told you before, one of my most favorite past times is to go to the mall.  Most people go to the mall to shop.  I go to the mall to see the people!  It gives me great joy to be with all my “homies” in the mall.  I can walk around for hours just looking at people.  Wow!  That sounds really weird, doesn’t it!  I’m a stalker by nature!

God created us to be social. In the garden, he gave Adam a wife.
He gave Adam and Eve children.  The children spread out and made communities.  God said, “It is not good for a man to be alone.”

As this journey continues, remember that as a Christian, God gave you a church – this church – a COMMUNITY.  You need this church and this church needs you.  The “Church” is the only institution that Jesus instituted in this world.  He left no hospitals, no colleges, and established no government.  All He left was, “the Church.”  He said,

Mat 16:18:  I will build My church,  and the forces  of Hades will not overpower it.

Both the ordinances of the church—baptism and the Lord’s Supper—point to the importance of community.  Baptism identifies a person as a member of God’s family.  Celebrating the Lord’s Supper reminds us
of the communion (partnership, relationship) we have with God and with His family of faith because we share a common salvation.

God gave us our “community of faith” so we would not have to
travel this journey alone.   Not only did God give us this community of faith, God has also given each of us His Comforter, or the Paraclete, to live with us, in us, and through us. 

In the final days before Jesus was arrested and crucified, He had been preparing the disciples for the time He would be taken away from them.  This was very troubling for these men who had walked, talked, and ministered with Jesus night and day for three years.  It was so troubling that Jesus had to stop and say:  

John 14:1:  Your heart must not be troubled.  Believe  in God;  believe also in Me.  Later in this same conversation Jesus said:  Jn. 14:16-17 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor  to be with you forever.

The word for Counselor or Comforter is “parakletos.”  It is a beautiful word that means: “One who walks beside, or along with you.” If you are a Christian, do you realize that God, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, is right beside you – He never leaves your side.  I think of that verse in Psalm 23:

4 Even when I go through the darkest valley [the valley of death], I fear no danger, for You are with me;

In this “Incredible Journey” we call, life, we must realize we are not travelling alone.  We have each other—the wonderful Community of Faith we call, the Church.  We also have God’s Comforter, Counselor, and Guide with us.  God’s very Spirit is with us, inside us, and around us.  There is nothing to fear as we face the future for God is with us.  We have the company of the Comforter every moment of every day.  We should expect great things with God at our side.

CLOSE:  In the cinematic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, there is a scene early in the movie as Frodo and Sam, Hobbits of the Shire, set out on a fantastic journey over mountains, through forest, and fraught with wonder and mystery.  As they are about to leave the comfort and certainty of the shire for a world of unknown mystery and unspeakable wonders, Sam stops and says to Frodo, “If I take one more step I will be farther from the Shire than I have ever been.” 
Every day you live in obedience to Jesus Christ, you move “farther away from this world of status quo than you have ever been.”  But, in the same manner, you move one step closer to your destination of heaven than you have ever been before.

Oh, how I long for us to “take another step of faith, today.”  How my heart yearns for us as a church to embrace the “Incredible Journey” which we call life.  We are going somewhere.  We are not in a hurry.  And, we are not travelling alone.


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