Sunday, November 1, 2020

Covid--The Twelfth Plague


November 1, 2020
The Eleventh Twelfth Plague
Luke 21:10-37                           NOTES NOT EDITED


SIS – No one can say for sure that any plague IS the “eleventh” plague but we can say for sure that any plague COULD be the “last” plague, so we must always be ready.

Is Covid a “Biblical Plague?” Is it a sign of the “End Times?”  These questions are in the back of many minds.  Does the Bible tell us anything about when the End Times will come?

Why is so much of the Bible prophecy?  According to “The Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy” by J. Barton Payne, there are 1,239 prophecies in the Old Testament and 578 prophecies in the New Testament for a total of 1,817.  These prophecies are contained in 8,352 of the Bible’s verses.  Since there are 31,124 verses in the Bible, the 8,352 verses that contain prophecy constitute 26.8 percent of the Bible’s volume.  That’s about 1 out of every 3 verses.  If you do the math by the book instead of by the verse, they that figure could easily double.  God clearly intends for us to have a basic—I said, “basic” as opposed to exacting—understanding of where the story of humanity is heading.  Plagues, catastrophes, tribulations all play into this picture in a big way.  The story of the exodus of Israel from bondage in Egypt gives us a picture of man’s deliverance from the bondage of sin.  As most of you know, ten plagues were needed to convince Pharaoh, the god of Egypt, to let the Israelites go.  These plagues included:  blood, frogs, lice, flies, pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and finally, the slaying of the firstborn of every house not protected by the blood of the lamb.  Now, these plagues are perhaps the most famous such acts of God in the Bible, but they are not the only ones.  Throughout the Bible the rebellion of man often brought (and continues to bring) judgment upon man—many times in the form of plagues.  The final “bowl judgments” in the Book of Revelation are seven final plagues upon the earth because of the continued rebellion of man.  Revelation 16:21 gives us insight into why there have been plagues in the past and will continue to be right up until the “last plague”:

21 Enormous hailstones, each weighing about 100 pounds,  fell from the sky on people, and they blasphemed God  for the plague of hail because that plague was extremely severe.

Take note of mankind’s reaction to this plague of the Seventh Bowl.  Instead of softening their hearts and surrendering to God, they harden their hearts and “blaspheme God” further insuring their condemnation and judgment.  This is exactly how Pharaoh reacted to the Ten Plagues in the time of the Exodus.  The Bible tells us in Exodus that Pharaoh, “changed his mind” (14:5) and his heart was hardened just like after each of the first nine plagues.  Pharaoh pursued the Israelites and in his rebellion against God his entire army was drowned in the Red Sea.

Plagues are the result of man’s continuing rebellion against God.  The Bible speaks of plagues from the beginning to the end. In fact, so frequent are these types of occurrences that even the insurance companies refer to “acts of God” to explain (and get out of paying for) tragedies and disasters.

Many of you remember the “Black Plague” that struck Europe in the the mid 14th century (1346-1353).  In just under a decade the estimates are that 30%-60% of Europe’s population was wiped out.  The estimate is about 100 million people—in less than 10 years!

There was the “Flu Epidemic of 1918?”  The AIDS pandemic sprung onto the scene about forty years ago and has claimed at least 30-40 million lives and continues to kill millions each year.  We all remember the Ebola outbreak in 2014?  Ebola was unknown to most of us until popped up as a pandemic.  Ebola is an extremely brutal disease that is also extremely deadly.  Basically, your body just liquefies internally with severe bleeding.  Ebola is between 30% to 90% fatal with the average being 50%.  Scattered in among the pandemics of modern day was “Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and SARS.”

I named Ebola, “The Eleventh Plague” in 2014 to point to the fact that if mankind continues to ignore the previous plagues, we will certainly experience additional plagues, and they will likely increase until Jesus Christ, Himself, returns to rule over the earth.  And . . . that’s my point—God has told us over and over and over again in the prophecies of His Word that “horrible things” are headed mankind’s way and we need to know what to do with about it.

And yet, . . . here we are today in 2020 battling yet another deadly plague.  We call this pandemic Covid-19.  Even as I speak, the world is on “lockdown” cowering like scared children in a basement during a tornado.  How many will die?  Is this the “end?”  So, today, I am naming Covid, “The Twelfth Plague.”  I am preaching on it for the same reason I preached on Ebola, The Eleventh Plague. At some point, some plague is going to be the “Last Plague”—or actually, the first plague of the Last Seven plagues in Revelation—and it will be “too late” for those who have resisted God’s warning with previous plagues.  I’ll say it again as I did with Ebola:  “God has told us over and over and over again in the prophecies of His Word that ‘horrible things’ are headed mankind’s way and we need to know what to do with about it.”

One chapter in the Bible (and there are many as I said) gives us some helpful information that will help us process horrible news like the Ebola plague. Matthew, Mark and Luke all speak to the End Times. Let’s examine Luke’s prophecy of the “Last Days”.  LK 21:10-36

There are two parts to my message this morning, drawing from this passage in Luke and other important passages.  First, “what we need to KNOW” about the Last Days of earth; and Second, “what we need to DO” about it.

WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW (Overview Slide)

The Coming of the Lord is CERTAIN

Somebody counted that there were at least 333 prophecies fulfilled exactly by the First Coming of Jesus Christ.  The Bible predicted when He would come, the circumstances of His birth, the issues of His life, the details of His death, and of course, His resurrection, just to name a few.  Every detail unfolded exactly the way that the Bible said it would.  Therefore, we have every reason to believe that the Second Coming will happen just exactly as the Bible says it will.    Look at verse 20 again: 20 “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that its desolation has come near.

Let me remind you that from 70 AD to 1948 AD, these words would have had little meaning to anybody looking at a map.  In 70 AD Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus Flavius and Israel was scattered among the nations—to the far corners of the world. It wasn’t until 1948 that Israel was again established a “geographical” nation.  Now, look at the map.  What do you see?  You see a tiny little nation barely 263 miles long, and 70 miles wide at the broadest point (9 miles wide at the narrowest point).  For comparison, California is 350 miles long and about 250 miles at the widest point.  So Israel is about 4 to 5 times smaller than California and it sits in the vast expanse we call the Middle East.  The Arab nations occupy about 325 times more space than Israel.  If Israel was the first floor of a high rise, there would be over 300 floors above her. Israel is literally “surrounded” (v20).

I said that to say this:  as far as the size of Israel the nation is absolutely insignificant to the region of the Middle East.  Yet, the entire Middle Eastern world crouches like a lion to pounce on and devour this little nation.  Have you ever wondered why?  Look at verses 29-33:

29 Then He told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. 30 As soon as they put out leaves you can see for yourselves and recognize that summer is already near. 31 In the same way, when you see these things happening, recognize that the kingdom of God is NEAR. 32 I assure you: This generation will certainly not pass away until all things take place.  33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.

Israel is the thermometer that indicates the rising temperature of tensions in the Middle East leading to the boiling point we call the Last Days. The pot has been at a boil since 1948 when Israel became a nation again.  The plagues and catastrophes will continue and increase in intensity as we plummet toward the precipice of the “Last Days.” The Bible prophesied the First Coming of Jesus and hit the historical nail squarely on the head.  The same is true of the “Second Coming” and the End of the Age.  It is absolutely CERTAIN!

The Coming of the Lord will be SUDDEN

Look at verses 34-35:  34 “Be on your guard, so that your minds are not dulled from carousing, drunkenness,  and worries of life,  or that day will come on you unexpectedly  35 like a trap.

I read somewhere where a man described the gradual suddenness of the Second Coming.  What he referred to is the fact that the exact day that all this takes place is unknown to man, but the events leading up to it have been outlined for us in the Word.  You can be ready, if you realize that the Second Coming could be upon us at any time—either the rapture for he saved, or the tribulation for those who persist in their rebellion.  The very word, rapture—harpadzo—means “to  snatch away suddenly.”  An old Larry Norman song spoke of this:  There’s no time to change your mind // The Son has come and you’ve been left behind.

The Coming of the Lord will be SEVERE

Many passages in the N.T. describe the severity of the events leading up to the Second Coming:  both before the rapture and continuing on through the Great Tribulation.  Notice Luke gives us a hint as to what the Last Days will be like in verse 10-12:

10 Then He told them: “Nation will be raised up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.  11 There will be violent earthquakes,  and famines and plagues in various places, and there will be terrifying sights and great signs from heaven.  12 But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you. They will hand you over to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors because of My name.

 Natural disasters, famines, persecution of the saints, and plagues will characterize our world as we get closer to the Last Days.  We see all of these things taking place now and they will continue and even intensify as the Day of the Lord draws near.  Like the contractions of a pregnant lady increase in both frequency and intensity as the birth grows closer, so the plagues and catastrophes will increase in both frequency and intensity—same events—just more and more intense.

This is just a brief outline of what we know about the last days:  they are certain, they are severe, and they will be sudden.  Now, that we know what to expect we need to ask ourselves:

WHAT DO WE NEED TO DO? (Overview Slide)

First, we must Prepare

There is an idiom, or common expression, in the English language that says, to be forewarned is to be fore-armed.”  That is exactly why God has given us so much information about where the story of mankind is heading.  God is merciful.  The foundation for His prophecies is “mercy” not “wrath.”  If God simply wanted to punish and destroy mankind, he never would have given us the many warnings in the prophetic Scriptures.  Look at all the warnings in Luke 21:  v8—“Watch out!”; v29—“Look at the fig tree (Israel); v34—“Be on your guard”; and v36—“Be alert.” 

While we cannot know the exact day and time the end will come we can prepare for some very rough weather.  We live in a day when it would be wise to have some extra food and water on hand.  I cannot say how much, but common sense will help you a great deal.  You need to also prepare financially.  If you are in debt—get out of debt as quickly as possible—especially with credit cards.  As the saying goes:  TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED!”  The Bible says:

Pvb 22:3 A sensible person sees danger and takes cover,
but the inexperienced keep going and are punished.

That advice is repeated in Proverbs 27:12 word for word. 

Do all you can to learn all you can about what is taking place in our world and what the Bible says about what is taking place in our world.  Preparation will dispel panic.  Knowledge is power.

Second, Proclaim the Word!  Look at verses 12-15:

12 But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you. They will hand you over to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors  because of My name. 13 It will lead to AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO WITNESS.  14 Therefore make up your minds not to prepare your defense ahead of time, 15 for I will give you such words and a wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. 

Notice also that Jesus modeled for us how we should conduct ourselves as plagues, famines, persecution, trials, and tribulations fall upon our world.  Look at verse 37:  37 During  the day, He was teaching in the temple complex.  Jesus did not let the troubles of life deter Him from “teaching the word of life.”

This passage tells us that people will find the message of the gospel convincing and compelling in light of what the Bible says about what people are seeing in the news.  These Last Days are not times for the church to don ascension robes and retreat onto a mountain to wait the arrival of the Lord.  These days of plagues should be days of proclamation announcing the only real hope anybody can have in this world.

Most importantly, PRAY!

Notice what the Lord says about being prepared and praying in v 36:

36 But be alert at all times, praying that you may have strength  to escape  all these things that are going to take place and to stand before the Son of Man.”

The Mount of Olives was a quiet place of retreat.  Jesus would “lodge” there, meaning “sleep in the open air.”  It was a place of rest and reflection.  It was also a place of prayer

Look back again at verse 37:   During the day, He was teaching in the temple complex, but in the evening He would go out and spend the night on what is called the Mount of Olives.

The Bible tells us that Jesus often sought a quiet place to pray—especially when He was about to make an important decision or face a hard trial.  Luke 5:16 tells us:

16 Yet He often withdrew to deserted places and prayed. 

One of the Lord’s best known times of prayer—and most agonizing—took place at the foot of the north slope of the Mount of Olives in a Garden called, “Gethsemane.”  This would be just a few hours after His discouse on the Last Days.  Look at verses 39-42:

39 He went out and made His way as usual to the Mount of Olives,  and the disciples followed Him. 40 When He reached the place,  He told them, “Pray that you may not enter into temptation.”  41 Then He withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, knelt down, and began to pray,  42 “Father, if You are willing, take this cup  away from Me—nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.”

Listen very carefully:  if you do not know how to pray fervently and effectively you are not prepared for what is coming in the very near future.

It was prayer—a passionate relationship with His Heavenly Father—that sustained Our Lord on the blackest, most brutal night in the history of the world.  Jesus did not “begin His prayer life” when they nailed Him to the cross—as would be the case with most of us.  Prayer prepared Him more than anything else to face everything the Devil and the minions of hell had to throw at Him and still be able to cry in victory:  “It is finished!”

Preparation, proclamation, and prayer are what we MUST be doing as we see the Day of the Lord quickly approaching.

I title this message, “Covid: The Twelfth Plague” to point out that even after  ten horrible plagues, Pharaoh still persisted in his rebellion against the will of Almighty God.  As a result, his army drowned in the Sea of Judgment—the Red Sea.  Ten plagues and he still did not surrender to God.  Even with an “eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth . . . on down to the umpteenth” plague, famine, disaster, or devastating event in life mankind still persists in rebellion against Yahweh.

What about you and me?  What is it going to take to really get our attention?  Ebola?  AIDS?  Financial ruin?  Heart attack?  What “plague” will be the “Eleventh” plague that finally gets our attention as people of God so that we get serious about the work of God?

I would hope that God does not need a “Thirteenth Plague” to get our attention—but I fear, I know, He will.  As bad as Covid is—or may become—it is not the worst that God has to offer against those that persist in rebellion against him.

Let’s think deeply about what is taking place in our world and prepare accordingly.

No one can say for sure if this “Twelfth Plague,” Covid, is the “Last” plague--or the first of the Seven Last Plagues of Revelation--but we do know that “Some” plague WILL be the “Last” plague, so we must always be ready.









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