Saturday, May 18, 2019

The End is Near: Iran in Ezekiel 38

May 19, 2019      NOTES NOT EDITED
Family Matters: The End of the World
Ezekiel 38

SIS:  Preparing our families to be ready to meet Jesus in the Rapture must be a high priority in the Church.

A few years ago, there was a young preacher in a country church.  The church wasn’t large, but the preacher was always encouraging them to do bigger and better things for God.  The preacher spent many hours preparing his sermons, and the congregation appreciated it greatly and responded enthusiastically.  Except for one old man.  He’d been in the church since he was a child.  His family had been in the church for generations, but now he was the only one left.  This man had done little in the church over the years, and seemed to care even less.  Yet, he was in church nearly ever week.  At the end of nearly every sermon he’d say to the preacher, “You sure told ‘em today preacher!”  Frustrated with the man’s ability to apply the sermon to everyone else but himself, the preacher would speak directly to the man at times in his sermon.  Still the same response—which was no response—the man would say, “You sure told ‘em today Preacher!”  One Sunday, there was downpour.  The country roads were impassable.  Nobody showed up for church but the Preacher and the one, non-responsive old man.  Feeling led by God, the Preacher proclaimed the message as boldly as if the crowd were overflowing.  He even gave an invitation at the end inviting the man to respond to the gospel message.  Nothing.  As the Preacher shook the man’s hand at the end of the service, the man responded the same way, “You sure told ‘em today Preacher!  Too bad they weren’t here.”  Sadly, this is how many, many people in church are responding, or should I say, not responding, to the Bible’s message in regard to the End of the World.  The End is coming—indeed, it may be upon us this very day, and billions of people are not listening and are not prepared for the awful events that are coming.  Preparing our families to be ready to meet Jesus in the Rapture must be a high priority in the Church.

No man knows the hour or day--exactly--when Jesus will return. Rather than dwell on what we "don't" know, I'd like to reflect on what I "DO" know.  I DO know that Jesus IS coming—and it may be soon!
The lyrics of a Southern Gospel song says it well:  "One day the next day will be the day He comes." It may not be today, but it just might be tomorrow. That “one day” could be any day now!

As a young preacher, I decided that I would diligently seek to connect Biblical truth with everyday life. I have never avoided political issues.  I try to preach with a Bible in one hand and a newspaper, (now, new blogs and Internet), in the other hand.  I like to point out where the Biblical text intersects real life.

As I write this, Trump has ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln Aircraft Carrier battle group to the Persian Gulf. He's also sent B52 Bombers (The Big Guys). This is a response to a direct threat by Iran of possible attacks on U.S. interests in the area.

Iran has played a prominent role in the history of the world from the 6th century B.C. to today. Daniel mentioned the rise of the Persian Empire in his vision of the Statue (Dan. 2).  Persia, modern-day Iran, has been a player on the world scene for a long, long time--and not such a nice player at that. Iran hates Israel. Iran hates America. Iran love domination.  

Ezekiel warns us of a return of Iran to the battlefield in the last days. So, today's news is at a crossroads with yesterday's prophecy. The End of the World is nearer today than at any time in history. All the markers, signs, are lining up. Persia, or Iran, is a major marker.
Are your friends ready for the "End?" Is your family ready for the rapture. At any moment the "Seven Year Clock to the End" will begin with the rapture of the church. The rapture is the snatching away of believers before the start of the Great Tribulation.  Will your family be together in the rapture? 

There are three important facts you should consider deeply in regard to the End of the World.  First, let’s read a text that has a clue as to whether the End is near.  Ezekiel 38:1-7; 18-23.  Listen carefully as we read and see if you recognize some familiar country names in this ancient text that are also in today’s news.  [READ TEXT]

Consider these facts about the End of the World.  History is LINEAR.  The End of the World is LITERAL.  And, those who ignore the Bible’s prophetic message will be LEFT BEHIND.

1.  History is LINEAR—It Has a Plan and a Purpose (17-18)

Notice the reference to “a former day and a coming day” in verses 17-18: “This is what the Lord God says: Are you the one I spoke about in former times through My servants, the prophets of Israel, who for years prophesied in those [latter]  times that I would bring you against them? 18 Now on that day, the day when Gog comes against the land of Israel”—this is the declaration of the Lord God—My wrath will flare up.”

A clear line is drawn from a former point in history to a latter point in history.  History is LINEAR.  Someone has said, “History is His Story,” that is, the unfolding of God’s plan for the ages. [SLIDE]

From the moment the “umbilical trot squirts us into the world from our mother’s wombs” (C. Miller) to the time our remains are placed into the sacred vault, our lives have been directed by a Divine Purpose.  Indeed, every aspect of the cosmos is Divinely selected, directed, and sustained by the Creator.  History has a plan and a purpose—a beginning, middle and end.  History is, “His Story.”  Our lives are part of His Story.  Our lives are not our own. 

(Isa 46:10)
 I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: My plan will take place, and I will do all My will.

In the Apostle Paul’s first sermon in the Book of Acts, in just 13 verses, he makes 16 references to God’s actions in history.  Acts 13:13-29 recounts the unveiling of God’s plan for His people from deliverance from slavery in Egypt to deliverance from sin through the work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  Paul taught that history is the unfolding of God’s plan showing a linear path from creation to consummation—beginning to end.

Eastern thought views history as a “cycle, or series of cycle” ultimately ending in nothing.  That is a broad generalization but essentially true.  Of course, we see cycles within history—the sun setting and rising, the seasons, planting times and harvest, and so forth.  In Eastern thought, these cycles are complete in themselves and there is no real purpose for the cosmos—just subjective events experienced separately—though simultaneously—by each individual. In Eastern thought, man controls his destiny through disciplined thought, becoming more disciplined as necessary through successive reincarnations or transmigrations of the soul.  History is viewed as more or less a cycle of insignificant events or stimuli, loosely related, if related at all.  History is “maya,” or illusion.  Even Shakespeare falls prey to this sort of “meaningless cycle of life” when his character, Macbeth, laments (Act 5, Scene 5),

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

The Bible has a much higher view of history than such a lamentable tale told by an idiot.  The plan of God is purposeful.  It has meaning.  It has a clear beginning, middle and end.  That plan is indeed marred by sin, but nevertheless marches on indefatigably to the end for which God has designed it.  As Job (42:2) reminds us about God’s plan.

“I know that you can do all things;  no plan of yours can be thwarted [hindered, spoiled, frustrated].

We are in the middle of God’s story and the end is approaching quickly.  As surely as God’s story had a beginning, it WILL have an ending.

2.  The Last Days are LITERAL-Real Events in Real History

Many people read the Bible like they read a bed time story to a child.  Books like “Good Night, Moon”, or “Charlette’s Web,” or “A Wrinkle in Time,” entertain children with the fantastic exploits of phantoms, fairies, dragons, and jewel-bedazzled unicorns.  But, we grow old and too sophisticated for such myths, so these books rest as quaint keepsakes sitting on a shelf waiting to be passed down to another generation of easily amused children.  Bed-time stories are entertaining, even useful for a time, but they are not “real.”  The events are not real events in real history. Many view the Bible in just such a way:  entertaining, even useful for a time, but the events are not “real events in real history.”  But, let’s examine this ancient text alongside our modern news reports and discussions.  Here’s what one scholar had to say,

“Many of the nations we hear about in today’s news existed in ancient times but under different names. By using the ancient names for the countries, He prophesied about, the Lord made possible the use of scripture to interpret scripture. Much of the information below can be gained by referencing Genesis 10, the so-called Table of Nations, in a good study Bible. Learning the modern names of the nations whose founding families are listed there really helps connect Bible prophecy to current events.”  The ancient’s often associated land with the family that inherited that land:  Magog with Japheth, Cush with Ham, two of the sons of Noah, for example.

Verse 2 mentions, “Gog, of the land of Magog.”  Gog is a leader and Magog is a land.  Is this land real, or imagined?  There is much evidence that the inhabitants of this “future Magog” are descendants of Japheth (Gen. 10:2).  They inhabited the lands “north” of his brothers Shem and Ham.  China’s Great Wall was built to protect themselves from marauders to the north, at that time the Mongolians.  What modern player in global politics lies north of the Great Wall today?  Russia.  Mongolia is still there but not really a player in global conflicts and politics.  Russian inhabitants are referred to in the Bible as the Sycthians (Col. 3:11).

Verse 2 also tells us that associated with Magog in this last days alliance are “Meshech and Tubal.”  This refers to the same general area.  It is not possible to pinpoint these descendants exactly on a map, but many scholars associate them with “Turkish” people, descendants of the brothers of Japheth’s son, Magog.  Certainly, Turkey is a major player on the global scene.

Verse 5 identifies “Persia” as a major player at the End of the World.  There is no confusion on this country’s location.  It is modern day Iran.  Iran, the Persian Empire, dates back to before the 6th century B.C.  The rise of the Persian Empire was prophesied by Danial (2:31).  Persia, or Iran, has had its ups and downs but a continuous history for over 2600 years.  If Iran is a “real” nation “in real history,” it gives great weight to the other nations being real places in real history. 
Verse 5 also mentions Cush and Put, and Verse 6 adds Gomer and Beth-Togarmah.  Cush and Put have been identified as the areas of Egypt and Libya, or North Africa.  Beth means house in Hebrew. Togarmah was a son of Gomer. The Armenians of today call themselves the House of Togarmah. The Turks (but not the Kurds, who are the ancient Medes of Media-Persia fame) are also included, and they’re the ones Ezekiel had in view.

These names refer to the same general area of Eastern Europe, or lands around the Black Sea, like Turkey and the Ukraine.  I’m sure you have heard about Ukraine if you are following the news.  Presidential Candidate Joe Biden’s son had dealings with Ukraine that will likely be a hot-topic for Biden’s critics.

The places mentioned in Ezekiel’s “Last Days Prophecy Register of Nations” are real places, interacting in real time in real history.  The Bible is not a quaint children’s bedtime story filled with fanciful myths, but is a message of mercy warning people of the wrath to come if they are not prepared to meet God at the End of the World.

Don’t be like the person in the country church I mentioned, who did not respond to God’s message.  Don’t be caught unprepared.  Heb. 10:31 warns us:  Vengeance belongs to Me, I will repay . . . 31 It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God!

God is coming again.  This time, He will ride into history, not on a meek and lowly donkey to save the world, but upon a White Horse of War to judge the world.  You MUST BE PREPARED AND YOU MUST HELP OTHERS TO BE PREPARED, ESPECIALLY IN YOUR FAMILIES.

Here is where the message of Ezekiel, and the prophetic message of the End of the World in general, really impacts our lives with an “eternal” force.   We must consider this awesome fact:
3.  The Unprepared Will Be LEFT BEHIND

Look at Verse 22-23  I will execute judgment on him with plague and bloodshed. I will pour out torrential rain, hailstones, fire, and brimstone on him, as well as his troops and the many peoples who are with him.  23 I will display My greatness and holiness, and will reveal Myself in the sight of many nations.  Then they will know that I am Yahweh.

As I said earlier, nobody knows the exact time that the Lord will return—exact is the key word.  That does not mean we do not know when that time is very near.  The Bible tells us there will be signs indicating the end is near.  Part of those signs are outlined in Ezekiel 38—the gathering of the nations that will rise up to attack Israel.  The major players will be Russia, Iran, the Middle East (Egypt, North Africa), Turkey, Eastern Europe, and from the Book of Revelation we know China is involved.  These same names in the ancient text are now the names we hear on the nightly news.  THE END IS NEAR!

We can KNOW the End Is Near, but what we don’t know is the exact day it will start.  We know that the awful events described in verses 18-23, will take exactly seven years—the Great Tribulation.  You can mark that down on your calendar—if you are LEFT BEHIND!

The Bible’s basic time line is illustrated on this chart:

We are in the “Church Age” now.  The next major event on the prophetic time line is the “rapture.”  This is the catalyst that will start the 70th Week of Daniel, or the Great Tribulation. We do NOT know, and CANNOT know the time of the rapture.  The Bible says,

16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout,  t with the archangel’s  voice, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ  will rise first. 17 Then  we who are still alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds  to meet the Lord in the air and so we will always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore encourage  one another with these words. (1Thess. 4:16-18)

Those that have not accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord by the time of the rapture, WILL BE LEFT BEHIND.  Every person that misses the rapture WILL EXPERIENCE the Great Tribulation.  It horrifies me.  It crushes my heart with concern that any person would have to experience such a great and horrible judgment.  And, those who die without accepting Christ experience the equivalent of the Great Tribulation—and even worse—by spending eternity in hell.

Recall again, the cranky old codger in the country church who heard sermon after sermon, but did not respond.  Don’t be like him.  IRAN is in the Bible and in the News.  We’ve seen clearly that one of the nations playing into the Last Days Scenario is Iran.  Clear as a bell Iran is mentioned in the Bible.  It is also a prominent player in global politics, particularly a national hatred for Israel.  Just this week, the U.S. sent an entire battle group with the nuclear carrier, the USS Abraham Lincoln to the Persian Gulf.  Iran is in the Bible, and in the News.

RUSSIA is in the Bible and in the News.  We’ve already seen that Magog refers to a “northern country” that can only refer to Russia.  Russia has strong ties with both Iran and China.  Russia has no love for the United States as the “Russian Collusion Confusion” has been piped out on radio and T.V. nearly non-stop for over two years now.  Russia is in the Bible.  Russia is in the News.  Daniel (11:44) also talks of an evil alliances from the ”east (China?) and the north (Russia?).” Chittim, mentioned about eight times in the Bible, including in Ezekiel’s prophecy, is thought to refer to a country from the east, or China.

CHINA is in the Bible and In the News.  I’m sure you have heard many reports about the heated “trade war” between China and the U.S. over tariffs.  China is definitely in the news. Forbes Magazine reported recently concerning,  the “One Belt, One Road” initiative of China. 
The New Silk Road [is] a key part of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s One Belt, One Road initiative. The multi-billion dollar project, financed by the Chinese government, aims to build as well as connect roads, railways and seaports across three continents: Africa, Asia and Europe.”

China is mentioned in Scripture:  Then the four angels who had been prepared for this hour and day and month and year were turned loose to kill one-third of all the people on earth. 16I heard the size of their army, which was 200 million mounted troops. (Rev. 9:15-16).

Rev 16:12 The sixth poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates,  and its water was dried up  to prepare the way for the kings from the east.

What growing superpower lies to the “East” of Israel that has a large enough population for a multiple-million man army, has developed, or is developing nuclear weapons, has 20 percent of the world population but almost no oil reserves, and is “preparing a road west to link three continents?” Check a map.  That nation is China. 

The same nations named in the “List of Last Days Nations” in Ezekiel, like Iran, are the same nations mentioned on the nightly news for some, impending global confrontation.  News reports are lining up with God’s “prophetic report.”  Is this The End of the Word?

The “signs” indicating the End of the World are stronger today than at any time in history.  The question you need to ask is:  “Am I ready?”  Then, ask, “Am I helping my family and friends get ready?”  Finally, am I helping lost people in my community understand and prepare?

Preparing our families to be ready to meet Jesus in the Rapture must be a high priority in the Church.

Ezekiel declares (v7), “Be prepared and get yourself ready, you and all your company.”  God is on the move!

Larry Norman was a controversial figure who greatly influenced Christian Rock Music.  The night before he died (after suffering years of heart failure), he wrote on his website, “I feel like a prize in a box of Cracker Jacks with God's hand reaching down to pick me up.”

In a song about the Rapture of the Church Norman wrote:

A man and wife asleep in bed
She hears a noise and turns her head, he's gone
I wish we'd all be ready
Two men walking up a hill
One disappears and one's left standing still
I wish we'd all been ready
There's no time to change your mind
The Son has come and you've been left behind

Be prepared.  Don’t be Left Behind!

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