Sunday, April 15, 2018

Spirit Walkers Pt11: Walking Backwards

April 15, 2018                NOTES NOT EDITED
Spirit Walkers Pt 11—Walking Backwards
Galatians 4:8-11

Sermon-in-a-Sentence: If a person is not moving forward in their devotion to Christ, they are dangerously moving backwards.

In regard to their personal, passionate devotion to Christ most Christians have “fallen off the bike.”  Most Christians are backslidden. 

John C. Ryle was great preacher in 19th Century England.  He is said to have been very “vigorous in promoting his message and yet had a very warm disposition.”  On one occasion he contemplated the horrible state of one who is backslidden in the faith.  He said, “It is a miserable thing to be a backslider. Of all unhappy things that can befall a man, I suppose "backsliding" is the worst. A stranded ship, a broken-winged eagle, a garden overrun with weeds, a harp without strings, a church in ruins--all these are sad sights. But a backslider is a sadder sight still. That true grace shall never be extinguished, and true union with Christ never be broken off, I feel no doubt. But I do believe that a man may fall away so far that he shall lose sight of his own grace, and despair of his own salvation. And if this is not hell, it is certainly the next thing to it!”

What exactly is “backsliding?”  Whatever it is, as the two quotes above indicate (and thousands of more), it is a very, very bad thing.

The words in the O.T. and N.T. relating to backsliding, and sometimes translated as such, have to do with “turning back or turning away from God in rebellion.”  It represents a rebellion against God’s rule in one’s life through willful action or careless neglect.  “Apostasy” is a word commonly used to describe “backsliding.”  In our text today Paul calls it, “turning back again to weak and bankrupt elemental forces.” 

Let’s read our text together:  Galatians 4:8-11.

In this passage Paul displays a tone of both “amazement and deep concern—even fear—regarding the state of the Galatians faith.  It is in shambles.  Having tasted the grace of God and the freedom it gives, they have returned to the bondage of religiosity and worldliness.

Three questions bubble to the surface in this passage.  One, WHO are these backsliders?  Two, WHAT characterizes the life of backsliders?  Three, WHERE does a backslidden life lead?

1.  WHO are these backsliders? (vv8-9)  

8 But in the past, when you didn’t know God, you were enslaved to things that by nature are not gods. 9 But now, since you know God, or rather have become known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and bankrupt  elemental forces?
Backsliders are believers.  They are Christians, howbeit carnal Christians.  They have a spiritual past, in the past when you didn’t know God.”  There was a time—a specific moment on a calendar—when they received the grace of God, But now, since you know God.”  That moment is described as a time in their lives a relationship was established between them and God, “have become known by God.”  These believers have now “turned back (or away) from following God.”

A person cannot slide back from a place they have never been.

How does this happen? Some people, no doubt, just come to a point when they decide: “I just don’t believe all the things that the Bible tells me I should believe, so I am dropping out.”  If they were truly saved, they are still saved, but they are AWOL, as they say in the military:  “Absent WithOut Leave.”

Most backslidden Christians, however, do not turn away so abruptly.  It happens more slowly, over time.  I grew up in a rural community and saw illustrations of the process of backsliding many times as our family would travel the backroads of the hills and hollers. 

It was not uncommon to be driving down a country road and see a cow wandering aimlessly.  Farmers were forever looking for lost cows.  If you were to ever ask a farmer, “how does a cow get lost?” the answer would likely follow a common narrative.  “Well,” the farmer would say.  (Farmers often start any explanation with, “well,” to give their mind and tongues a chance to get in sync).  “You see, a lazy old cow will spy a tuft of grass and begin nibbling on it.  Then, her eye will catch another tuft of grass and she will mosey on over to nibble on it.  When she’s nibble a bit on that tuft of green grace she spies another just a little further away, and she lazily moves along to nibble on that tuft of grass.  Then, the old cow spies a tuft of grass just on the other side of a hole in the fence.  She pushes her way through the fence to continue nibbling on tufts of grass.  Before she knows it, she’s lost!”  In the same way, Christians find themselves wandering aimlessly in the world as they nibble their way from one worldly pursuit to another.

I wonder how many of us in this room have “mosied” our way through the fence of personal discipline into the pasture fields of the Devil, one tuft of worldly pleasure at a time?

Someone has described being backslidden by suggesting, “If you are not more excited about Jesus today than you were the day you were saved, you are backslidden.”  A pastor once declared, “The Christian walk is much like riding a bike; one is either moving forward or falling off” (R. Tuttle).

2.  WHAT are the Characteristics of Backsliders? (vv8-10)

Several sermons could be dedicated to this aspect of backsliding as it is discussed from start to finish in God’s Word.  I will focus on the characteristics Paul outlines here.

(1)  They sacrificed FREEDOM for PLEASURE (8-10)

enslaved to things (v8)

Paul does not specify what these “things” are, but they have a controlling power over the Galatians.  They are like “god, but by nature not gods.” That suggests both “control” and “a sense of worship.”  These things are “idols.”  This reminds me of Paul’s condemnation of worldly people in another epistle (Phil. 3:19),

Their end is destruction; their god is their stomach.

Once again, the becomes slaves to human appetites and the natural propensity of man to create idols. It’s so much of a problem that it makes God’s “Top Ten List” of “Shalt Nots” (Ex. 20).  It takes constant watchfulness and resolute discipline to keep from slipping back into old patterns of pursuing enslaving pleasures.  It is so easy to “fall off the wagon,” as the saying goes.
Paul has addressed the “regressive” behavior of the Galatians before.  In chapter 1, verse 6, Paul says, “I am amazed that you are so quickly turning away from Him who called you by the grace of Christ.”

The Galatians are like leaves blown about by whatever influential wind is blowing.  The Galatians were mostly pagans before the gospel reached them.  They were driven by human passions and proclivities.  Judaizers come along and they are blown about by religious rituals and requirements.  Now, they seem to be drawn back into a pursuit of pleasure and sensual gratification, topped off with a cheery of religiosity.  Backsliders also sacrifice

(2)  the POWER of grace for the PRETENSE of religion. (v9)

Paul refers to their pretense (charade) of religion as being, “weak.” The word can also mean, “weak, sick, paralyzed.” Unlike “grace,” religion has no “power” to move the human soul into a path of righteousness.  Instead of energizing a person to hotly pursue a life of devotion, religion weakens a person.  Religion is a “taker” not a “giver.”

As I said above, the Galatians had tasted the religion of the Judaizers, and now they craved that spiritless process instead of a serious relationship with Christ.  Christianity became a passing fad, or a passionless fling.  So few people really enter into a sustained, passionate, life-altering relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  The power of grace can easily become no more than a “pretense” of religion; powerless ritual substituting for a empowering relationship.

Paul not only calls this “turning back to” religion, “weak,” but also, “bankrupt.”  Backsliding into sin always costs you more than you intended.  As I often say of sin, “It always takes you further than you want to go, keeps you longer than you want to stay, and costs you more than you want to spend.”  Backsliding leaves a person both “weak and beggarly” (KJV).

Verse 10 describes weak and beggarly religion: You observe special days, months, seasons, and years.  Your religion is all on the outside.

I wonder . . . how many of the hundreds of thousands that are in church today are motivated more by the PRETENSE of religion than the POWER of a relationship with Christ.  Fearful to even think about that!

Backsliders sacrifice FREEDOM FOR PLEASURE, a POWERFUL RELATIONSHIP for the PRETENSE of religion, and they sacrifice

(3)  DEEP devotion for SHALLOW dogma

Oh, many backsliders have a milky understanding of theology, but they reject the “meat” of the Truth.  Dogma is defined as “a settled or established opinion or belief handed down by an authority.”  In general, it is accepted uncritically, and often with little or no investigation.  In Paul’s writing to the Galatians it is referred to in v9 as turning back to “elemental forces.”

This is a rather obscure term that is difficult to define specifically.  Paul’s language is strong, however, as he accuses the Galatians of a “shallow theology.”  He warns that they have “slipped back into a materialistic and base principles of living.”  The word for “elemental forces” refers to the rudimentary or basic principles in any discipline, such as the ABC’s for grammar or multiplication tables for math.  The Greek word (stoicheia, στοιχεῖa) refers to the “simplest part of a whole.”  Plato used the word to describe the “simplest sound in speech.” 
Backsliders have shallow lives built on “shallow dogma.”  They can parrot a few “Sunday School answers” to some basic theological ideas, but pretty much, “backsliders wade in the shallow end of the theology pool!”

Paul also addressed this issue in the Corinthian Church.  1Cor. 3:1-2

1 Brothers, I was not able to speak to you as spiritual people but as people of the flesh, [carnal Christians] as babies in Christ.  2 I gave you milk to drink, not solid food, because you were not yet ready for it.

Paul calls shallow Christians, “milk drinking babies.”  In another place Paul admonishes believers by saying, (Heb. 6:1)

Therefore, [leave] the elementary message about the Messiah, let us go on to maturity.  Here, the word, elementary is a different word in Greek, but the same idea. 

Backsliders exchange DEEP doctrine for SHALLOW dogma.  A few years ago, I let a couple adults take the test from the first unit of the Sixth Grade, Elementary Bible lesson.  None of them passed it!  These were faithful church members who could always be counted on to be in church any time the doors were open.  They were shocked and not just a little ashamed.

Peter admonishes Christians, Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have (1Pet. 3:15).  Most Christians not only cannot give a “reasonable answer” for their faith, they don’t even know the questions!

Researchers George Gallup and Jim Castelli shined a bright light on this problem: “Americans revere the Bible–but, by and large, they don’t read it. And because they don’t read it, they have become a nation of biblical illiterates.” 

According to the renowned researcher, George Barna:  Fewer than half of all adults can name the four gospels. Many Christians cannot identify more than two or three of the disciples.  Sixty (60) percent of Americans can’t name even five of the Ten Commandments.

Multiple surveys reveal similar disturbing evidence for “shallow dogma.”  According to 82 percent (82%) of Americans, “God helps those who help themselves,” is a Bible verse.  Twelve percent (12%) of adults believe that Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife. Over fifty percent (50%) of high school seniors thought that Sodom and Gomorrah were husband and wife.  One poll indicated that a large number of adults thought the Sermon on the Mount was preached by Billy Graham.

WHO are backsliders?  People who at one point in life received Jesus Christ as Savior, but fail to make Him Lord.  WHAT are the characteristics of backsliders?  They exchange FREEDOM for PLEASURE; the exchange the POWER of a relationship for the PRETENSE of religion.  They reject DEEP doctrine in favor of SHALLOW dogma. 

The most pressing question—and the most concerning one according to Paul is

3.  WHERE are Backsliders Headed?  (v11)

11 I am fearful for you, that perhaps my labor for you has been wasted.

Those two words—fearful and wasted—should sting like salt in an open wound for anyone who is not sacrificially, enthusiastically, and unreservedly moving forward, day by day in their journey as Spirit Walkers.  If your day to day life does not unmistakably indicate that Jesus means more to you than absolutely anything else—you are a backslider—and your future is fearful! Any good you might have done in your past, or anything you might have learned, is wasted.

This personal, passionate post-script to Paul’s proclamation concerning backsliding raises two possibilities in regard to the person whose life demonstrates the characteristics of a backslider, or carnal Christian. 

(1) The backsliding condition of a true believer is temporary and will be dealt with when such a person stands before God.  Should a believer that slides into heaven “backwards” actually “fear” standing before God? I remember one time I took my father’s brand new car out on a weekend.  I was in the wrong place with the wrong people and did something . . . well, “wrong!”  I was backing down an dirt road with the driver’s side door open, going very slowly.  It was dark.  My buddies were saying, “Keep coming. Your good.  Everything’s clear.”  About that time I heard the sound of metal crunching.  I had failed to see a large rock on the side of the road.  We used one of our belts to tie the door shut for our ride home.  It was late.  I didn’t see any reason to wake my Dad.  Besides, if I prayed hard enough all night long, maybe God would have mercy and fix the door by morning.  (No! that did not really cross my mind).  Maybe Dad wouldn’t notice the twisted door the next day.  (No! That did not cross my mind either).  I would have to tell him at breakfast.  Now, I was his son—in my mind, his favorite son.  I was absolutely confident I would be his son after I confessed.  I didn’t know whether I would be his “living son!”  That was one of longest nights of my childhood.  I knew I had done wrong, and I knew I had to face my father.  I never, ever, ever wanted to disappoint my Dad like that again; and, I don’t think I ever did.  So, backsliding for a believer is a “temporary” condition—but still a “fearful” one.

(2)  A second possibility that may have been in Paul’s mind is that his efforts were truly “wasted”  on these Galatians.  They never were truly saved, and their backslidden condition was actually “permanent and eternal.”  The word, “wasted,”

The “fear” Paul feels is because the only way to know which condition applies is by performing an “autopsy.”  That means the person has died.  Here’s one of the most “fearful” pronouncements in the Word of God: (Heb. 9:27):

It is appointed for people to die once—and after this, judgment.

The Bible tells us that it is impossible for man to tell the difference between a believer and a non-believer—that takes God’s judgment (Mt. 13:24-30).  The other most “fearful” passage in the Bible (there are many fearful passages, especially for non-believers) is Mt. 7

22 On that day many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, drive out demons  in Your name, and do many miracles in Your name?’  23 Then I will announce to them, ‘I never knew you! Depart from Me, you lawbreakers!’

I am “FEARFUL” in regard to the present-day status of so many church-goers.  I am fearful when I don’t see a great deal of passion and progress in the life of pew-sitters.  I can’t see into someone’s heart to tell if they are temporary backsliders or eternal apostates.  By the time this determination is made, it is too late to make any difference.

I read recently that the Christian life is like an airplane.  Unlike a car, a boat, or even a train, an airplane has no reverse and cannot stop.  An airplane either keeps moving forward, or it soon crashes to the earth.

Spirit Walkers must keep moving forward.  Walking “backwards” is not an option.  Whether walking backwards is the result of a true believer living a carnal life, or a false convert living an apostate life, in each case, WHERE they end up can only be described as “fearful!”  Don’t waste the gift of this life you have been given chasing after things that have no eternal value.

March 3, 1995, the Chicago Tribune published a tragic story about a “Man Killed Chasing a Hat.”  A thirty-eight years old man was walking from his house in Rosemont, Illinois, to a temporary warehouse job not far away.  He decided to take a short-cut across the eight busy lanes of the Tri-State Tollway.  He successfully navigated across the four northbound lanes.  As he was about to jump the center divider to attempt to cross the four southbound lanes, a gust of wind blow his hat off, back into the northbound lanes of traffic.  He crossed back over the busy lanes to get his hat.  As he chased his hat, a semi-truck struck and killed him.  He lost everything by chasing after nothing.  (Craig Larsen).

Be a Spirit Walker.  Chase after God and keep moving forward.

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