Sunday, April 30, 2017

Divine Direction Pt2: The Way of Wisdom

4/30/17                                                     NOTES NOT EDITED
Divine Direction Pt2:  “The Way of Wisdom”
1Kings 3:1-15

Series in a Sentence:  Every good decision contributes to the blessing of our lives, so Divine Direction is essential.

Sermon-in-a-Sentence:  God does not always, or even often, tell us exactly what to do, but He always offers us the wisdom to make good decisions.

So many Christians have a misunderstanding that for every decision we make there is only one choice that absolutely and perfectly fulfills God’s will for our lives.  There are some Scriptures that indicate this is the case.  For example, early in Paul’s Second Missionary Journey, which started included what is now Eastern Turkey, the Holy Spirit guided him to some areas and prevented him from going in other areas (Acts 16:6-8).  Then we have this verse about Divine Direction in Paul’s life:

During the night a vision appeared to Paul: A Macedonian man was standing and pleading with him, “Cross over to Macedonia and help us!”  10 After he had seen the vision, we immediately made efforts to set out for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to evangelize them.

God’s Divine Direction clear and particular.  There was one and only one direction Paul could take and fulfill God’s will.  This happens many times in the Bible record of God dealing with people.

Compare, however, another Scripture dealing with Divine Direction in Paul’s life that does not seem so clear and specific.  This is on Paul’s Third Missionary Journey through much of the area of his Second.  On this missionary journey he will end up in Corinth (Greece):

I will come to you after I pass through Macedonia —for I will be traveling through Macedonia— and perhaps I will remain with you or even spend the winter, so that you may send me on my way wherever I go. I don’t want to see you now just in passing, for I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord allows.  But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, because a wide door  for effective ministry has opened for me —yet many oppose me.

This passage teaches two very important lessons about the Divine Direction of God.  One, notice the “imprecision” and “ambiguity” in Paul’s language.  Verse 6, “perhaps,” not “absolutely.”  Then again in verse 6, “wherever I go,” without any specific reference to a definite destination.  Verse 7 records Paul’s words as, “I hope,” not I know; and again in that verse, “a wide door,” not a narrow path.  The first lesson I conclude from this is that God’s will is not always, or often only secured when we hit the “bullseye on some Divine Direction target.”  Some call this idea of God’s will, “The Dot.”  Thinking that God’s will in our life is so narrow and precise leads to a paralyzing fear of “missing the dot.”  Often, this fear causes us not only to “miss the dot” but to not even “take the shot.”  Indecision means someone or something other than God is making our decisions.

A second lesson comes from the tag at the end of verse 9:  “yet many oppose me.”  Here we have Paul, definitely in the will of God because he is having “effective and fruitful ministry” (v.9), and yet facing opposition, often violent.  Here’s the lesson in regard to the Way of Wisdom:  Being in God’s will is not always easy and pleasant. 

A number of books have been written on the subject of Divine Direction, or “finding the will of God.”  They range from searching for the “missing dot” to “trusting your gut” and with many options in between.  I believe the best way to understand how Divine Direction works in the life of a believer is to understand, “The Way of Wisdom.”  This is not as narrow as searching for the missing dot, nor as broad and undefined as following one’s “spiritual impressions.”  The Way of Reason is not based on some formula combining elements of reason with elements of faith.  The Way of Wisdom is “reasonable,” but it is a “reasonable faith,” or “faithful reason.”

Wisdom is a lifelong pursuit.  Solomon, who we will examine this morning said, Wisdom is supreme—so get wisdom. And whatever else you get, get understanding. Cherish her, and she will exalt you; if you embrace her, she will honor you. She will place a garland of grace on your head; she will give you a crown of beauty.”

Let’s read how Solomon got his wisdom.  1Kings 3:1-15.
As I said earlier, “getting wisdom isn’t always easy.”  Most things in life of any value aren’t obtained easily.

I remember reading about a wise old cowboy.  His name was Frank.  Frank was one of the craftiest trackers in the territory.  He could find anybody or anything.  One day, another cowboy by the name of Oscar, came by Frank lying on the ground with his ear on a wagon trail.  Here’s the conversation.  Oscar asked Frank if he was tracking somebody.  Frank answered, “Wagon, two horses—one white, one black.  The man driving the wagon is smoking a pipe.  A woman is beside him wearing a blue dress and a white bonnet.”  Oscar was impressed and asked, “You mean to tell me you learned all that just by listening to the ground.”  Frank sort of groaned back, “Heck no! It ran over me about a half hour ago!”

Well, that’s one way to “get wisdom,” but I think God has a better way.  The Way of Wisdom has three important components.

1.  First, we must WALK

Our text picks up the Biblical story as Solomon takes over the Kingdom of Israel from his father, David.  Remember that God, Himself, called David, “A man after my own heart” (Acts 13:22).  This was somewhere around 970 B.C.  Solomon would reign, very effectively, for nearly 40 years. 

What was the key to David’s success as king, which he passed on to Solomon?  Look at verse 3:

Solomon loved the Lord  by walking in the statutes of his father David. 

This admonishment about “walking, or spending time with the righteous” occurs throughout Scripture.  Listen to how the Book of Psalms begins:

1:1  How happy is the man who does not follow  the advice of the wicked or take  the path of sinners or join a group  of mockers

Listen to how Solomon, himself, addressed the issue of “who we choose to walk with in life.”  Proverbs 13:20 (NLT):

20 Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.
Paul also addressed the issue of “associations.”  1Cor. 15:33:

33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.”  34 Come to your senses and stop sinning.

And, again in Galatians Paul writes:  16 I say then, walk by the Spirit  and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.  Wisdom comes by walking in the Spirit with others who are walking in the Spirit.

I listened to a preacher this week say, “Show me your friends and I will show you your future.”  This is such a key element to success in general, and especially success spiritually.  At one period in my life I became an award-winning car salesman (and later was the number three person in running the dealership).  I remember the owner calling me into his office during my training.  His office was a glass enclosure on the second floor where he could survey the entire sales floor.  He told me this: “You can’t sore with the eagles if you are content to float on the pond with ducks.”  Then, he pointed down to the sales floor.  The other nine salespeople were all gathered in the showroom, mostly complaining about the lack of customers.  This was a regular routine.  The owner reminded me that if I wanted people to sell cars to, my time would be better spent calling prospects on the phone than complaining around the water fountain about a lack of customers.

You should NEVER have a lost person for the purpose of fellowship.  You should only associate with lost people for the purpose of evangelism.  Wisdom comes from “walking—fellowshipping” with the wise.

God does not always, or even often, tell us exactly what to do, but He always offers us the wisdom to make good decisions.  What He does, however, is give us “wise friends to walk alongside us in life” and spur us on to loving and serving God with greater devotion.

2.  Second, if we want wisdom we must ASK

Mark this down.  Engrave it in your gray matter (that’s your brain not your hair).  Wisdom is not an achievement gained through the acquisition of knowledge.  A person can know everything there is to know about everything there is something to know something about, and not be wise.  Wisdom is a gift of God given to those who ask in faith, believing.  Look through this expose on the beginning of Solomon’s kingship.  God comes to Solomon in a dream. Here’s what God says (verse 5):

At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream at night.  God said, “Ask.  What should I give you?”

Look at verse 10:  10 Now it pleased the Lord that Solomon had requested this,” that is, Solomon “asked” for wisdom.  Listen to verse 11 in the New American Standard Bible:  God said to him, “Because you have asked this thing and have not asked for yourself long life, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have you asked for the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself discernment to understand justice.

That’s four times in one verse God refers to “asking and receiving.”

Could it really be that simple?  James tells us, Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him.  But let him ask in faith without doubting. For the doubter is like the surging sea, driven and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. An indecisive  man is unstable in all his ways.

It really is that simple—just ask.  Let me take a moment to show you want I mean by “asking.”  This is a little like First Baptist’s Got Talent, so I need an assistant from the audience. 

[Name], would you come up on the stage and help me for a moment?  Thank you.  [Name] let me have your watch.  Thank you.  I now have a new watch just by asking.  It really is that simple. Almost.

You remember that I said I became an “award-winning, record setting car salesman?”  What did I do that others were not doing?  It was simple: “I always got to the point of asking the prospective customer if they were ready to buy the car.”  Most sales people never get to the point of “asking for the sale.”  This is one of the key reasons that 8% of a sales force usually accounts for 80% of the sales—they ask, believing the people will say yes.

I remember when I became the sales manager, the owner wanted me to train and retrain the sales force.  I’d see customers come onto the lot, and nobody would go out to greet them.  I would say, “Hey, there’s someone on the lot.”  I’d usually get the reply, “Oh, they been here before.  They don’t want to buy a car.”  I’d usually reply, “Well, they aren’t here to buy groceries!”

The same thing happens when most Christians share the gospel with people.  They do a marvelous job of giving their testimony and explaining the gospel, but they never get to the point of “asking” the person, “Would you like to trust Jesus as the Lord of your life right now?”

Wisdom is the accumulation of facts.  Wisdom is not an achievement.  Wisdom is a gift.  If you want wisdom, you must “ask in faith believing that God will give it to you, and with the intent to use it for God’s glory and the expansion of His Kingdom.

Which leads us to another very important component to discovering the Way of Wisdom.  We must WALK.  We must ASK.  And,

3.  we must ACT

Do you want to know what I think is the number one reason that not much is happening in the Kingdom of God in the world today?  Well, I don’t care, “I’m going to tell you anyway.”

Christians know to much about Jesus and do too little for Jesus.

Look at verse 15.  15 Then Solomon woke up . . .

All this took place while Solomon was asleep.  Most of us have had a very vivid dream at one time or another.  You know, one of those intense kind of dreams with a lot of running and action.  The kind of dream that would wear you out . . . if you weren’t already asleep!  Some of you even think a dream full of running and activity qualifies for “exercise!”

Well, it don’t.  That’s not to say that dreams cannot be an effective way to motivate you.  You may get a great idea in a dream.  God may even speak to you in a dream.  But, if you never ACT on your dream when you “wake up,” it will amount to nothing. 

God does not give us “wisdom” as a WISDOM for our great faith.  God gives us wisdom as a TOOL to exercise great faith.

I’ve told you before that Christianity is spelled, D-O-N-E.  It begins and ends with what Christ has DONE for us as our Savior.  He died on the cross so that we could have eternal life.  He declared with His dying breath, “It is finished.” DONE!

That’s absolutely true, but it isn’t all the truth. Notice that you Cannot spell DONE, without spelling DO!  Too many Christians are “asleep” in the Lord, and I’m not talking about those that have died and gone to heaven or those that are napping while I preach.

Too many Christians love what Christ has DONE but are not engaged in what God has asked us to DO.  What is the first thing that Solomon does with his gift of wisdom?  He makes a wise decision.

Verses 16 through 28 tell the story of two women (prostitutes actually) who had a dispute over a newborn baby.  They lived together and both gave birth three days apart.  One baby lived and the other died.  The two women came before Solomon and one protested that the other had rolled over on her baby killing it and had switched her dead baby for the other woman’s living child.  The other woman protested saying, “No, this living child is my son.”  Solomon called for his servant to bring him a sword.  Solomon declared, “I will cut him in half and give a half to each of you.”  The first woman protested and said, “Oh, no, don’t kill the child.  Go ahead and give it to the other woman.”  The other woman who had brought the complaint said, “No, that’s a good decision.  The child will be neither mine nor yours.  Divide him.”  Solomon judged that the true mother was the one who protested over the killing of the child and would rather him live with another woman than die.”
Now, after seeing Solomon’s ACTIONS, chapter three, the chapter outlining the Way of Wisdom, closes like this:

28 All Israel heard about the judgment the king had given, and they stood in awe of the king because they saw that God’s wisdom was in him to carry out justice.

Wisdom is not about accumulating knowledge to impress the masses.  Wisdom is about using our knowledge to expand the Kingdom.  The Way of Wisdom is incomplete and ineffective until we “ACT” by making godly decisions.

Israel was not impressed by what Solomon “knew” but by what Solomon “DID.”  Doctrine that never makes it from the heart to the hands is “dead doctrine.”

Nobody cares what you know, until they know that you care.  And, people know we care when they see us making godly decisions that solve worldly problems.

My Grandma had a cabinet with glass doors—a curio cabinet.  It was filled with special stuff.  One special item was a small, heart-shaped, wooden trinket.  When my Mom cleaned out and sorted my Grandma’s stuff, she sent this wooden heart to me.  On it is painted this verse:

The love in your heart // Is not just there to stay;
Love is not love // ‘Til you give it away.

Here’s real wisdom:  put your love for God in action loving others.  Wisdom isn’t a TROPHY to mark our achievements, but a TOOL to make disciples.

God does not always, or even often, tell us exactly what to do, but He always offers us the wisdom to make good decisions.  With those decisions we bless not only our own lives, but the lives of others.

Walk. Ask. Act.  That’s the Way of Wisdom.

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