Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Empty Promises of Easter

March 29, 2016                               NOTES NOT EDITED
The Empty Promises of Easter
Luke 24:1-12

SIS: God emptied the tomb of death so He could fill our lives with eternity!

We are now in the throes another "election season" and I can tell you one thing that we will have in great abundances -- political promises.  Sadly, a political promise is most often an "empty promise."  The person making the promise either lacks the power, or the intent to make good on the promise.  I read once about a promise three men made to rich friend on his deathbed.  The dying man gave each of his best friends -- a lawyer, a doctor and a clergyman -- an envelope containing $25,000 in cash to be placed in his coffin.  A week later the man dies and the friends each place an envelope in the coffin. Several months later, the clergyman confesses that he only put $10,000 in the envelope and sent the rest to a mission in South America.  The doctor confesses that his envelope had only $8,000 because he donated to a medical charity. The lawyer is outraged, "I am the only one who kept my promise to our dying friend. I want you both to know that the envelope I placed in the coffin contained my own personal check for the entire $25,000."

Easter is really all about a "promise."  The promise of God highlighted at Easter is this:  "Because Jesus lives, we His followers will live also."

So many people treat Easter as an “empty promise” – too good to be true – because the idea of a resurrection is so beyond what our human minds can comprehend without faith. But, I assure you, God has both the power and the intent to make good on the promise of Easter. Easter is a promise made by God and sealed by the resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. 

However, Easter is all about "emptiness," but not in the manner that we are accustomed to thinking about “empty promises.”  The Empty Promises of Easter are actually three: an empty cross, empty grave wrappings, and an empty tomb. Luke 24:1-12 gives us the “empty promises of Easter”:

24:1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5 In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6 He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 7'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.'" 8 Then they remembered his words. 9 When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others. 10 It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them who told this to the apostles. 11 But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense. 12 Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away, wondering to himself what had happened.

Peter went away wondering – and I can understand why!  I am absolutely amazed and overwhelmed when I contemplate that the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is alive, today.  Since He is alive, I can know Him and I can communicate with Him.  The resurrection is not just a quaint story.  It is real history.  Jesus did not just appear to be alive – He was alive.  In the next few days Jesus would sit down in a room with the disciples, He would walk along the way with disciples; He would talk with them many times; He would eat  with them.  Jesus did not merely “appear to be alive” – He was and IS alive.  We can know him and have a relationship with him.

Many people, especially as a result of Passion of the Christ movie know something about Jesus Christ.  That is much different from knowing Jesus Christ personally as your Lord and Savior.

Knowing about Jesus and knowing Jesus is the difference between Easter being a “holy” day and Easter being a “holiday.”

The events of the cross and the resurrection were not just something that happened way back somewhere in time.  They were events with a purpose.  Jesus died and was taken down from the cross.  The cross was empty.  It was empty for a reason.  The cloths that once wrapped the dead body of Jesus were neatly folded, empty of their contents.  And, of course, the tomb was empty.  Easter is about “empty promises,” but not in the manner we normally think of “empty promises.”

God emptied the tomb of death, so our lives could be filled with life.
That’s what Easter is all about!

1.  The Empty Cross is a Promise that we can be free from the Penalty of Sin.

In the Middle Ages the Catholic church began to use a “crucifix” or cross that still held the body of Jesus.  While this was initiated to illustrate the “passion” or suffering of Jesus, it is generally rejected as a symbol in the evangelical church world.  I prefer to be reminded that the cross was eventually emptied.  That is, Jesus did die and was removed to a place of burial.  The empty cross is an important reminder that the “wages of sin [which] is death” was paid in full by the Lord Jesus Christ.  He died in our place to pay the PENALTY for our sin.  Sin requires a penalty be paid, and Christ paid it.

In our modern, supposedly enlightened age, “sin” has almost disappeared in our culture.  Should a preacher speak frankly and directly about sin warning of its eternal penalties, he is more likely to be run out of church than thanked for his concern for the souls of men. 

We can change how we talk about sin, or how we label sin, but it will kill the soul just the same.  Years ago a preacher who was known to speak frankly and earnestly about the penalties of sin was confronted by one of the influential members of the church.  This well-known man of the community entered the pastor’s office and said, “Pastor, we want you to stop talking so plainly and sternly about sins.  We do not feel it is good for our boys and girls.”  The man continued, “Call it a mistake or something like that but do not speak about the matter as “sin.”  The pastor replied, “Please wait just a minute.”  The pastor went to the church utility closet.  High upon the shelf was a little bottle with the bold letters P O I S O N!  The powder was strychnine and was used as “rat poison.”  The pastor returned to his office with the little bottle.  He said to the man, “I see what you would have me do.  You would have me change this label from POISON to a milder label such as, “Pepperment candy.”  Don’t you see, sir, that changing the label does not reduce the danger.  In fact, changing the label to a milder one makes the poison even more dangerous.”

Follow with me in your mind as we join the women who first went to the tomb on that first Easter.  From the City of Jerusalem they would probably walk along a path for maybe a half-hour before they reach the tomb.  But, as they approach the tomb, they could look off to their right just outside the City.  They would see a familiar landmark of the area.  A hill oddly shaped like a human skull and appropriately called, Golgotha (the place of the skull).  It was a killing hill.  A familiar spot for crucifixions.  Three crosses are on the hill, backlit by the rising sun.   Their eyes fall upon the middle cross.  This is the one upon which Jesus died a horrible death.   They had watched as his lifeless body was taken down off of that cross – the cross that was made into an altar upon which the Lamb of God was sacrificed, “to take away the sins of the world.”  Now, the cross was empty.

The women perhaps recalled the verse from the prophet Ezekiel, “The soul that sins shall surely die (Ezk. 18:20).    Death – eternal separation from God –was the penalty for sin.  It had to be paid. Jesus, Himself without sin, paid the penalty on our behalf.  He died in our place.  A few years later Paul would once again declare that the penalty for sin—any sin big or small—would be eternal death.  He said it like this:  “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23)

The empty cross is a reminder of God’s promise that we can be free from the penalty of sin.  Jesus died for our sins so we would not have to die for them ourselves.  The cross is empty because the debt for our sin was paid in full.  The Book of Hebrews reminds us:

10:10 By this will of God, we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all.

The cross upon which Jesus died was an “ugly event” in the history of humanity.  But, Jesus isn’t on the cross and He is never going back.  Thank God the story does not end on such a tragic note as the cross. There is another “empty promise” in the Easter story:
2.  The Empty Grave Wrappings are a Promise that we can be free from the Power of Sin

3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5 In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6 He is not here; he has risen!
The women quickly ran to tell the disciples of their amazing discovery – or should I say – lack of discovery!  Verse 12 picks up the story with Peter:  12Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away, wondering to himself what had happened.

I’ve not heard many sermons deal at any length with the neatly folded grave cloths.  This is a very significant part of the Easter story.  Many illustrations for the Christian life can be drawn from that neatly folded cloth lying by themselves in the corner of the tomb.  I believe we do not stretch the meaning of the passage in its context to say that it represents another of the empty promises of God - the promise of freedom from the power of sin.

This is not the first time we are introduced to grave clothes or wrappings in John’s gospel.  In chapter 11 we were told of the incident where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.  Jesus gave life back to Lazarus’ dead body but it was not completely free from the power of death.  Look at Jn. 11:44

The dead man came out bound hand and foot with linen strips and with his face wrapped in a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Loose him and let him go.”

Here specific mention of the traditional cloth placed upon the face of the one who died and the traditional grave clothes or wrappings.  There is a very significant difference between the grave wrappings of Lazarus and those of Jesus:  Lazarus was still in his; Jesus was not.  Lazarus looked like an animated, Egyptian mummy stumbling forward from the grave.

The contrast of the neatly folded face cloth and death shroud of Jesus indicate that Jesus had the “power of sin and death.”  Lazarus did not have that power at the time Jesus raised Him, because Jesus had not yet wrenched the power of death from the Devil through His resurrection.  Now the Bible tells us: Death is swallowed up in victory (1Cor. 15:54).

Because Jesus took away the sting of death, we have power over sin in our lives.  We can, through the grace of God, live lives that our holy and pleasing to God.  We fail at this to be sure, but the power is always there and we can be restored from our failure through confession and forgiveness of sin.

Those neatly folded grave wrappings remind us that our salvation from the power of sin gained through the death of Jesus Christ, also involves our power over the control of sin through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Why do so few people experience real victory over the power of sin? It has been my experience that those who fizzled out in church over the years have not fallen to great sins like adultery, or fornication, or murder, or any such grave sin.  Most people in church have collapsed under the weight of a hundred little sins.

We suppose, quite wrongly, that if we do not commit “big” sins then sin is not a problem in our lives.  Think of the burial cloths.  It was not one large shroud, but many small strips.  Between every layer of cloth would be a coating of a thick, tar-like substance called myrrh.  When all was finished the body was bound head to toe in about 100 pounds of cloth and tar.  That is how sin works in our lives.  It is not generally the “big” sin that ruins our lives, but many smaller ones over a long period of time. 

There was a man by the name of Baron Richard d’Arcy.  He was a French aristocrat.  He liked to do exotic things and own exotic things.  One exotic pet he kept was a two-years old lion.  At night the Baron put the lion in the bathroom where it stayed the night.  On this particular night, the lion would not go it.  Instead, it turned on its master and clawed the Baron to death.  The moral of that story is this: we must be careful not to entertain any “pet sins.”  This is like keeping a dangerous pet.  One day, without warning, the sin you thought you had power over, will overpower you.  Only through a consistent, daily walk with Jesus Christ can we have power over sin.  By taking the time to fold the grave cloths, I believe Jesus was showing us that we need to take time to deal with our attitudes and habits so that we can be free from the power of sin in our lives.  Though we may never be completely free of sin’s power in this life, we can experience great victory if we “take time to be holy.”

The Holy Spirit directed the Apostle Paul to write:
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery [that is sin].” Gal. 5:1

The empty grave wrappings remind us of the promise that “in Christ” we are free from the power of sin in our lives.

I believe that Jesus left the neatly folded grave wrappings to remind us that once we have been freed from the penalty of sin, we can begin to have victory of the power of sin in our lives; and, the more we break loose from the power of sin, the more we will experience the power of God in our lives.  Sin binds us as surely as the grave wrappings bound Jesus.  He left them in the tomb as a reminder that we can be “free from the power of sin.”

Easter is about “empty promises.”  It is about the “empty promise” of the cross that reminds us we can be free from the penalty of sin which is eternal death, defined in the Bible as eternal torment in hell.  The empty grave wrappings remind us that we can be free from the constricting, soul enslaving power of sin.  There is a third empty promise, and it is the biggest:

3.  The Empty Tomb is a Promise that one day – perhaps soon – we willbe free from the Presence of Sin.

What did the angels tell the women at the tomb?
6 He is not here; he has risen!

There are no more important words in the Bible than the words, “He is risen.”

There are four major world religions from which all other religious expressions spring.  Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam.  Judaism and Christianity, as we know are part and parcel of the same faith.  One day God’s chosen people, Israel and God’s adopted Gentiles will be one family.  So, we might say, there are three major world religions. 

One of the “rites of passage” of being a kindergarten student is the little exercise: “one of the things is not like the other.”  The children are asked to choose from several items and pick out the one that is not like the other.  Take Hinduism and eastern mysticism that springs from it.  Hinduism cannot be proven “right or wrong” using any forensic investigative techniques or historical inquiry.  It is not based upon history but upon speculative thought.  Take Islam.  Neither can Islam be determined to be “right or wrong” based upon a historical survey for Islam is based solely on the visions the Prophet Mohammed had in a cave.  Now, consider Christianity.  It is not like the others.  Why?  Because Christianity can be determined by historical investigation to be either right or wrong.  In fact, Christianity can be destroyed simply by proving that the resurrection never occured.  Without the resurrection, Christianity is simply a hoax and Easter is just a nice holiday. The Apostle Paul explained this very fact:   1 Cor 15:16-19

16 For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. 19 If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men.   

That's the essence of Christianity.  No resurrection.  No hope.  Then this life is all there is.  Death is the final irony.  Nothing matters.

Christianity was fledgling religion whose leader had just been crucified on a cross in the public square.  All it would have taken to squelch the Christian movement before it was born was to produce the dead body of a Rabbi named Jesus.  Certainly, the Jews would have produced the body if they could.  They hated Christ and everything He taught.  The Romans could have squelched all the turmoil that the disciples were causing and would cause for the Empire.  They could not produce the body.  They tried saying the disciples stole the body, but of course, everyone knew that nobody ever got away with breaking the official seal of the Roman Emperor that was placed upon the tomb.  Many skeptics have offered alternative explanations for the empty tomb, but none of these alternative answers fit the facts or dismiss the matter. After nearly two millennia of trying to explain away the empty tomb—all skeptics and naysayers have come up . . . well, “empty.”  The tomb was empty and no reasonable explanation has been offered, except a resurrection.

There really are no rational disputes of the facts that are intellectually convincing.  The tomb was empty -- period.  The Empty Tomb stands as the quintessential symbol of God's promise to us -- if we will put our full and enthusiastic trust in the resurrected Son of God we will one day spend eternity with him, not only free from the penalty of sin, and free from the power of sin, but free from the very presence of sin.  That's a promise secured by God's own Word and symbolized by the Empty Tomb. 

The question is not:  is the Easter story true.  The question is: will you fully embrace the promise of God and accept the gift He offers.  The gift is yours for the asking.

All you have to do is understand the Empty Promises of Easter and put your faith in the Savior who emptied sin of its penalty on the cross, emptied sin of its power of death and emptied the tomb so we could be filled with God's Spirit.

The movie, The Passion of the Christ, – Mel Gibson’s epic telling of the Easter story – ends with a subtle, but effective portrayal of the resurrection of Christ.  In the low light of the tomb, we watch as Jesus walks out!  What a powerful image.  Jesus left that place of death once and for all.  In 40 days, he departed this world of sin and the Bible says He now sits at the right hand of God.  In heaven, Jesus experiences complete freedom from the very presence of sin.  And here’s the promise: 1 Cor 15:20-21

20 But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man.

The empty tomb reminds us of the promise that one day,
Because Jesus conquered the grave, those who trust in Jesus Christ will also be free from the presence of sin.  Heaven will be our home and God will be our neighbor!

Friend, Easter is about “empty promises.”  An empty cross that promises freedom from the penalty of sin.  Empty grave wrappings that promise us freedom from the power of sin.  And, most of all, an empty tomb that promises that one day we will have freedom from the very presence of sin.

Now, some of you are saying, “I just can’t buy into that resurrection stuff!”  Friend, you cannot afford NOT to buy in to it.  What other hope does any one have.  You may not understand it all now, but you will some day.  Are you going to be like Bill that I spoke of earlier?  Are you going to throw away a wonderful promise simply because you do not understand everything about that promise.  Are you willing to risk eternal damnation because of doubt?  Or, are you willing to put your hope in the one indisputable, undeniable, forensically certain fact of the empty tomb?

Make no mistake about it – THE TOMB WAS EMPTY and there is no other forensically valid explanation but the resurrection.  That is a fact that is incomprehensible to be sure – BUT THAT IS THE FACT.  The tomb was empty because Jesus was resurrected by the power of God Almighty.

Another fact is just as sure – you will know for sure some day. But, if you find out that everything about Easter is exactly like the Bible says AFTER you die, it will be too late.

You must cast your ballot today for the one who will be Master of your Soul.  Today, is the day, that you can experience the “empty promises” of Easter.

Someone has said, “God did not roll the stone away so that Jesus could come out of the tomb, but so that we could enter into heaven!”

On Resurrection Sunday, Jesus came out of the tomb so we could go into heaven.  Today, won’t you enter the Kingdom of God through the portal of the empty tomb?  Confess Jesus as the Lord of your life and follow Him right through death into Glory!

We have a tradition here at Our Church.  We conclude the Easter Service with a glorious message declaring that “Jesus is our King!”


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